South Sierra Area (October/November/December 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Interesting Boulder - Located north of Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Gnarled Roots - Located near the interesting boulder.
- Granite Dome One - Located on north side of Lost Creek.
- Albanita Meadow - Pool of water south of the PCT2000 sign.
- Jackass Peak - After a November snowstorm.
- Scodie Meadow - Some say it's supposed to be Scobie Meadow.
- Rockhouse Basin - Puddles on boudlers with Bald Mountain in background.
- Corral Meadow - Trough at north end of meadow.
- Lost Creek - Frozen water during very late December.
- Granite Dome Two - Same dome as above located near Lost Creek.
South Sierra Area (August/September 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mint Flowers - Growing by Cottonwood Lake Number Five.
- Cottonwood Lake - This one would be Number Four.
- Number Five - Looking up at Army Pass (that would be OLD Army Pass).
- Rock Fringe - Epilobium obcordatum of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Mount Langley - Looking up at 14,032 foot peak.
- Chinquapin - Chrysolepis sempervirens in the Oak Family.
- Fireweed 01 - Also known as Rosebay Willowherb.
- Fireweed 02 - Chamaenerion angustifolium of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Fireweed 03 - At one time included in the Epilobium genus.
- Jordan Hot Springs - A small dam holding back warm water to soak in.
- Cabin 01 - One of the cabins near Jordan Hot Springs.
- Cabin 02 - Another cabin near the hot springs.
- Collapsed Outhouse - This one was a two seater!
- Currants - Big red juicy berries at 8700 feet near Osa Meadows.
- Rock Cave - Located between McConnell and Litte Dry Meadows.
South Sierra Area (July 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bluebells - Mertensia ciliata of the Borage Family.
- Scarlet Gilia - Ipomopsis aggregata of the Phlox Family.
- More Scarlet Gilia - Common in the western states above 4000 feet.
- Scarlet Gilia Colony - A very large group of scarlet gilia plants.
- Blanket Flower - Growing in a garden at an elevation of nearly 7000 feet.
- Mount Langley - As seen from the PCT south of Cottonwood Pass.
- Poppy Flowers - Growing in a garden at an elevation of nearly 7000 feet.
- Pine Drops 01 - Pterospora andromedea of the Heath Family.
- Pine Drops 02 - A group of pine drop plants.
- Concrete Bags - What are concrete bags doing in a wilderness area?
South Sierra Area (June 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Indian Head - As seen from Manzanita Knob.
- Granite Dome - Not too far from Osa Meadow.
- Snow Capped Mountains - Looking north from dome in previous image.
- Penstemon 01 - One of many species of penstemon growing in the area.
- Penstemon 02 - Large colony of penstemon plants.
- Penstemon 03 - Even more penstemon! Cuz you can never have enough!
- California Hesperochiron - Often found in meadow areas.
- Heartleaf Arnica - Rather fuzzy member of the Sunflower Family.
- Western Hound's Tooth - Interesting member of the Borage Family.
- Little Dry Meadow 01 - Looking down on the meadow from the north.
- Little Dry Meadow 02 - Awful green for a meadow with dry in its name.
- Shooting Star - Often found in meadow areas.
- Tree Across Creek - This creek flows below Osa Meadow.
- Domeland - Bart Rock and Stegosaurus Fin as seen from near Woodpecker Meadow.
- Signs - One of the signs says something about the Sirretta Peak Trail.
- Lupine - An especially nice group of lupine plants.
- Meadow Rue - Thalictrum fendleri of the Buttercup Family.
- Coralroot 01 - Corallorhiza maculata of the Orchid Family.
- Coralroot 02 - Looks a tiny bit like snowplant, but it's in a totally different family.
- Coralroot 03 - Notice the spots on the petals!
South Sierra Area (May 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Evening Snow - Linanthus dichotomus in the Phlox Family.
- Woolly Sunflower - Eriophyllum lanatum in the Sunflower Family.
- Jackass Peak - As seen from a section of Albanita Meadow.
- Aqua Bonita Spring - New sign for historic spring.
- Hooker Meadow - Looking down on the bottom part of the meadow area.
- Astragalus - Low-growing plant in the Pea Family.
- Sunset Near Hooker - Ridge southwest of Hooker Meadow.
- Long Canyon Creek - Meadow area near Long Canyon three miles north of Casa Vieja.
- Gnarled Juniper - Sacatar Trail Wilderness area.
- Jeffrey Pines - Sacatar Trail Wilderness area.
- Burnt and Cut Juniper - Sacatar Trail Wilderness area.
- Twisted Juniper - Sacatar Trail Wilderness area.
- Cairn - Cairn, trail duck, or rock stack near Lost Meadow.
- Blue Violet - Viola adunca in the Violet Family.
- Cowboy Furniture - Table in Long Canyon by large meadow area.
South Sierra Area (April 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Truck - Taken apart in three pieces near Chimney Peak.
- Stately Tree - Located at about 7500 feet in Sacatar Trail Wilderness.
- Snow and Trees - Near Jackass Peak at about 8800 feet.
- Smith Mountain - Jagged ridge behind snow and trees.
- Jackass Peak - Looking up at rocky peak.
- More Snow and Trees - Near Jackass Peak at about 8700 feet.
- Manzanita Flowers - Arctostaphylos in the Ericaceae.
- Desert Olive - Growing right between the PCT and the South Fork of the Kern.
- Pile Of Rocks - About six feet tall by Fish Creek.
- Puccinia monoica - Rockcress colonized by Puccinia monoica.
South Sierra Area (February/March 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Groomed Road - Freshly groomed road above Kennedy Meadows.
- Windy Springs - Windy Springs left of center. Sacatar Canyon to the right.
- Gate Above Rockhouse - Looking towards south end of the basin.
- Old Gate - Another look at the same gate above Rockhouse Basin.
- Primrose - Plant has only basal leaves early in spring.
- Scodie Canyon - One of the upper side canyons about five miles from trailhead.
- Scodie View - Upper side canyon to east about five and a half miles from trailhead.
- Domeland - View of a few domes from PCT in Rockhouse Basin.
- The Kitchen - Confluence of Trout Creek and the South Fork of the Kern.
- Scodie Outhouse - Collapsed outhouse just under four miles from Scodie trailhead.
South Sierra Area (January 2024)
Quick view of trip pics
- Fivemile Canyon 01 - Looking down from top of ridge.
- Fivemile Canyon 02 - Another look from ridge east of Scodie Canyon.
- Snowy Bridge - Bridge across South Fork of the Kern north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Scodie Pond - Small pond near crossroads in Scodie Canyon.
- Olancha Peak - Looking north as seen from Wildrose Canyon.
- Snowy Ridge - Ridgetop in the Sacatar Trail Wilderness.
- Cemetary Gate - Fancy gate located in Grapevine Canyon.
- Limestone Dudleya - Also known as Limestone Liveforever and Dudleya abramsii.
- Digger Pine - Also known as Ghost Pine and Pinus sabiniana.
- South Fork of Grapevine - Looking down the main fork of the canyon.
- North Fork of Grapevine 01 - Lower portion of the north fork of the canyon.
- North Fork of Grapevine 02 - Upper portion of the north fork of the canyon.
- Water Pipes - Pipes near a spring in Grapevine Canyon.
- More Digger Pines - Lots of pines along the course of the creek in Grapevine.
- Bladderpod - Also known as Bladderpod Spiderflower and Cleomella arborea.
South Sierra Area (November/December 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Finger Rock - View of Finger Rock from the west.
- Pines - Pines, boulders, and manzanita north of Corral Meadow.
- Boulders and Trees - About one mile north of Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Fog At Sunrise - Crag and Ball Peaks getting sun at beginning of the day.
- Jackass Meadow - Looking up towards Smith Mountain.
- Bald Mountain - As seen from the PCT in Rockhouse Basin.
- Frozen Creek - Small spring fed creek in the Sacatar Trail Wilderness.
- Frozen Fall - Small fall frozen over.
- Ice Formations One - Area where creek has frozen over onto bank.
- Ice Formations Two - Another look at interesting ice formations.
South Sierra Area (October 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bull Meadow - Looking towards Olancha Peak and Monache Mountain.
- Fall Foliage - Aspen trees near Bull Meadow.
- Shelf Fungus - Interesting mushroom growing on fallen tree.
- Rose Hips 01 - Lots of large, glossy rose hips this year!
- Rose Hips 02 - These plants were found near the top of Scodie Canyon.
- Scodie View - Looking south down Scodie Canyon from about 7500 feet.
- Moonrise - Moon rising above east side of Scodie Canyon.
- Owens Lake - As seen from top of Sacatar Canyon.
- Boulder - Large boulder along ridge near top of Sacatar Canyon.
- Juniper Tree - Large specimen growing in Sacatar Canyon.
South Sierra Area (September 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Smith Mountain - As seen from the trail up Jackass Canyon.
- Fleabane - A member of the Erigeron genus of the Sunflower Family.
- Ninemile Creek - About two miles above Jordan Hot Springs.
- Baneberry - Actaea rubra of the Buttercup Family. Toxic.
- Monkshood - Aconitum columbianum of the Buttercup Family. Toxic.
- Twinberry - Lonicera involucrata of the Honeysuckle Family. Inedible.
- Telephone Number - I wonder how many people have called the number.
- Rubber Boa - Calm snake related to the Rosy Boa.
- Rock Formation - Located between Big and Little Dry Meadows.
- More Rocks - Same location as previous rock formation.
South Sierra Area (August 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Albanita Meadow - Looking rather lush for August thanks to wet weather.
- Jackass Peak - Late afternoon sun shining on this steep dome.
- Mushrooms - A bunch of small mushrooms in a row.
- Smith Mountain 01 - Rock outcroppings along ridgeline.
- Smith Mountain 02 - A slightly different angle showing portion of ridgeline.
- Smith Mountain 03 - The ridgeline is rather lengthy with lots of outcroppings.
- Old Stump - Stump of a tree cut long ago on side of Smith Mountain.
- Trail Sign - Pointing the way to Schaeffer Meadow.
- Unusual Mushroom - Not sure what kind it is, but it sure is interesting.
- Clover Meadow - Looking south on the PCT near Clover Meadow.
- Beer Keg Corral - Makeshift corral at Beer Keg Meadow.
- Lost Creek Dome - Probably not the official name, but you get the idea.
- Rigid Bird's Beak - Cordylanthus rigidus of the Broomrape Family.
- Finger Peak - Ridgeline as seen from north of Corral Meadow.
- Fleabane 01 - Most likely Erigeron clokeyi.
- Fleabane 02 - Also most likely Erigeron clokeyi.
- Fleabane 03 - Another species of Erigeron. There are a bunch.
- Fleabane 04 - More fleabane. Very plentiful in the area.
- Foxtail Pines - A small group of foxtails on the side of Smith Mountain.
- Old Logs - Pile of old logs on side of Smith Mountain.
South Sierra Area (July 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mountain Collomia - Collomia grandiflora of the Phlox Family.
- Meadow Larkspur - Delphinium gracilentum of the Buttercup Family.
- Corral Meadow - Looking across the meadow toward Finger Rock.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose - Oenothera xylocarpa of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Sierra Nevada Linanthus - Leptosiphon oblanceolatus of the Phlox Family.
- Monache Meadow - Monache Mountain and Olancha Peak.
- Wildlife Tree - Interesting sign on tree north of Monache Meadow.
- Monache Meadow View - Looking south across the meadow area toward Deer Mountain.
- Green Cabin - Cabin located in Long Canyon at about 9000' in elevation.
- Evening Primrose Colony - A couple dozen flowers all facing in the same direction.
- Lost Meadow - Looking down the meadow area towards Olancha Peak.
- Olancha Peak - Looking north across Monache area from near Jackass Peak.
- Penstemon - Possibly Whorled Penstemon of the Plantain Family.
- Spotted Coralroot - Corallorhiza maculata of the Orchid Family.
- Pancake-Shaped Mushroom - Neolentinus ponderosus of the Gloeophyllaceae.
South Sierra Area (June 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Jackass/Smith Road - Looking across Jackass Meadow from the north.
- Pinewoods Fritillary - Particularly interesting member of the Lily Family.
- Jackass Peak - The peak as seen from the trail to the south.
- Meadow Area - Between Jackass Peak and Albanita Meadow.
- Albanita Meadow - More like a swamp than a meadow!
- Wallflower - Peculiar specimen with flattened stem.
- Phacelia - Lots of small phacelia plants growing under a tree.
- Jackass Meadow - Old cement campfire box.
- Jackass Gate - Old gate near the top of Jackass Canyon.
- California Hesperochiron - Attactive member of the Borage Family.
- More Jackass Meadow - Another section of Jackass Meadow.
- Even More - Yet another section of Jackass Meadow.
- Deadhorse Meadow - Meadow area on the way down to Lost Creek.
- Bloomrape - Interesting parasitic plant in Sacatar Canyon.
- Dark Canyon - Rock wall near the bottom of Dark Canyon.
- Woodpecker - Sign pointing the way to Woodpecker Meadow.
- Diamond Clarkia - Member of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Red Columbine - Colorful member of the Buttercup Family.
- Skullcap 01 - Low growing member of the Mint Family.
- Skullcap 02 - Nice patch growing in Lost Canyon.
South Sierra Area (May 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- The Kitchen - The confluence of Trout and the SFK is known as The Kitchen.
- Rockhouse Basin - Looking south from the middle of the basin.
- Balanced Rock - Boulder located in Rockhouse Basin.
- Yellow Violet - Seems contradictory, but that's its name!
- Tidy Tips - Also known as White Layia of the Sunflower Family.
- Locoweed - Also known as Astragalus of the Pea Family.
- Upper Boggy - Pond forming behind earthen dam in Boggy Canyon.
- Paintbrush - Once a member of the Scrophulariaceae, now a member of the Orobanchaceae.
- Blue Dicks - It goes by several different names, but Blue Dicks is used most often.
- Balsamroot - Highly attractive plant and member of the Sunflower Family.
- Jackass Peak - As seen from Albanita Meadow which looks more like a swamp than a meadow.
- Phacelia - Tiny members of the Boraginaceae (Borage Family).
- Phlox - Low-growing phlox plants in two different colors.
- Milkweed Flowers - Close look at these unusual flowers.
- Wilson 01 - Known to some as the Siebenthal Ranch, but also known as the Wilson Ranch.
- Wilson 02 - There are two chimneys still standing at the ranch site.
- Wilson 03 - There is one standing structure near the two chimneys.
- Wilson 04 - View across gorge towards the Pacific Crest Trail.
- Wilson 05 - View across dry pond towards the north.
- Wilson 06 - Steps leading up to one of the chimneys.
South Sierra Area (Mar/Apr 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bald Peak - Snow-covered Bald Peak as seen from Sacatar Ranch Trail.
- Wooden Bridge - Bridge two miles north of Kennedy Meadows Campground.
- Small Creek - Melting snow creates small creek in Sacatar Trail Wilderness.
- Nolina Plants - Nice pair of plants growing south of Kennedy Meadows.
- More Nolinas - Interesting upright boulder and more nolina plants.
- Grinding Stone - Located near confluence of Trout Creek and the South Fork of the Kern.
- Phacelia Arch - Interesting clump of phacelia growing up against a boulder.
- Whispering Springs - Located between Kennedy Meadows and Long Canyon.
- Snowy Peaks - Siretta along far ridge on the left and Bald on the right.
- Balanced Boulder - Rocks in Rockhouse Basin with Bald Peak in the background.
- Waterfall - Water tumbling down boulders near Deer Spring.
- Astragalus - Clump of astragalus in bloom in Sacatar Trail Wilderness.
- Old Fireplace - Located south of Kennedy Meadows Campground and on west side of SFK.
- Blooming Phacelia - Clump of phacelia in bloom near Kennedy Meadows Campground.
- Hesperochiron - There was a group in bloom south of Kennedy Meadows Campground.
South Sierra Area (Jan/Feb 2023)
Quick view of trip pics
- Snow-Covered Pinyons - Group of pinyons in the Sacatar Wilderness.
- Upper Boggy - Looking up Boggy Canyon with lots of snow.
- Lower Boggy - Looking down Boggy at snow-covered Bald Peak.
- Happy Face - Happy face in the snow in Sacatar Canyon.
- Tall Pine - Tall pine surrounded by pinyons north of bridge.
- Bridge Across SFK - Bridge on PCT north of Kennedy Meadows.
- PCT South - Section of trail heading towards Rockhouse Basin.
- Snowshoe Trail - Trail in snow created by snowshoes.
- Snow Drift - Ten-foot tall snow drift by house.
- Icicles - Icicles hanging from edge of roof.
South Sierra Area (Nov/Dec 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pines and Snow - Ridge between Hooker and Albanita along cutoff trail.
- Ball and Crag - Looking north towards Ball and Crag from Sacatar.
- Spotted Rocks - Rocks and snow at top of ridge in Sacatar area.
- Bald Peak - Bald Peak from ridge in Sacatar area.
- Juniper Tree - Juniper and snow on ridge in Sacatar area.
- Missing Fork - All that is needed is a rusty fork!
- Snow and Mist - Ball Peak hidden in mist.
- Yellow Truck - Old truck by road in Sacatar area.
- Icicles - Icicles hanging from roof of small shed.
- Domes - Domes as seen from Rockhouse Basin.
South Sierra Area (October 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Aspen Scar - Interesting scar on aspen tree near McConnell Meadow.
- Aspen Trail 01 - Section of trail between McConnell and Bull meadows.
- Aspen Trunks 01 - More interesting aspen trees.
- Sierra Gentian - Pretty flower growing at McConnell Meadow.
- Aspen Etching - Old etching on tree at McConnell Meadow.
- Aspen Trail 02 - Section of trail near Bull Meadow.
- Monache Meadow - As seen from Bull Meadow with Olancha Peak to the right.
- Aspen Arrow - What appears to be an arrow on an aspen tree.
- Sandwich Rock - Not an official name, but it seems like it might work.
- Bull Meadow - Monache Mountain and Olancha Peak in the background.
- Salt Lick - Heavily used salt lick and autumn leaves.
- Aspen Trunks 02 - Curvy trunks of three aspen trees.
- Even More Aspens - Another look at the previous group of aspens plus their neighbors.
- Makeshift Tables - Campsite between South Fork of the Kern and the PCT.
- Old Axel - Located very close to the PCT above campsite in previous image.
South Sierra Area (September 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Car - Old car by Fish Creek Trail.
- Trail Sign - Notice small sign embedded in bark.
- Long Stringer 01 - Area where the stringer flows into the creek.
- Long Stringer 02 - Burnt tree trunks in foreground.
- Boulder - Large rock in the middle of a small meadow.
- Cattle - Some cattle walking through the forest.
- Barbed Wire - Old fence along ridge near Blackrock Trailhead.
- More Barbed Wire - Was the tree still alive when this was put in place?
- Bridge - Small bridge between Powell Meadow and Blackrock Trailhead.
- Garden Plant - Unknown plant growing near Kennedy Meadows.
South Sierra Area (August 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Campfire Ring - Old campsite by Fish Creek.
- Clarkia - Attractive wildflower growing in a mountain garden.
- Datura - Also known as Jimson weed and growing in a garden.
- Mushrooms 01 - Small mushrooms growing out of cow dung.
- Mushrooms 02 - More mushrooms growing out of dung.
- Horses - A small group of horses grazing at Smith Meadow.
- Cattle 01 - A herd of cattle at Lost Meadow on a rainy day.
- Cattle 02 - Cattle with dark clouds in the sky.
- Evening Primrose - Bright yellow flower growing in a garden.
- Rock Formation - Interesting rocks on peak just north of Little Dry Meadow.
- Cow In Meadow - Light-colored cow at Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Poppy Flower 01 - Red and white poppy flower growing in garden.
- Corral Meadow - Lower portion of this isolated meadow.
- Poppy Flower 02 - Bee gathering pollen on pink poppy flower.
- Telegraph Cable - Insulator on section of cable near Long Canyon Creek.
South Sierra Area (July 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Campsite Remains - Remains of an old cowboy camp.
- Bog Orchid 01 - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchid Family.
- Bog Orchid 02 - Closer look at this interesting little flower.
- Lush Spring - Running spring near Casa Vieja.
- Stove Remains - Metal parts of stove near cowboy camp.
- Mountain Pride - Penstemon newberryi of the Figwort Family.
- Old Sign - Located at north end of Big Dry Meadow.
- Big Dry Meadow - Looking north across meadow area.
- Fleabane Flowers - Small daisy-type of flower.
- Fish Camp - Open area near campgrounds.
- Old Gate - Old gate near Fish Creek Trail.
- Pretty Meadow - Nice meadow area along side of Fish Creek.
- Lupine Leaf - Water droplet in the middle of lupine leaf.
- Datura - Otherwise known as Jimson Weed.
- Dying Pine Tree - Jeffrey Pine at top of Boggy Canyon.
South Sierra Area (June 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Common Flax - Linum usitatissimum growing above Broder Meadow.
- Water Trough - Spring fed trough at Broder Meadow.
- Fallen Trees - There are lots of fallen trees throughout the area!
- Woodland Rockcress - Boechera pinetorum of the Mustard Family.
- Granite Gilia - Linanthus pungens of the Phlox Family.
- Rocky Ridgetop - These rocks are located between Big and Little Dry Meadows.
- Finger Peak - Interesting ridgetop near Corral and Lost Meadows.
- Green Cabin - Nicely built cabin in Long Canyon at about 8800 feet.
- Campfire Ring 01 - Nice little camp setup next to Long Canyon Creek.
- Stemless Thistle - Most likely Cirsium scariosum of the Sunflower Family.
- Campfire Ring 02 - Another campfire setup further down Long Canyon.
- Long Canyon Creek - Lush meadow and meandering creek.
- Forest Service Cabin - Old cabin by Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Stone Wall - Stacked stone retaining wall in front of Forest Service Cabin.
- Beardtongue - Species of Penstemon from the Plantaginaceae.
- River Spring - Water gushing out of the ground near Red Rock Meadow.
- Indian Head 01 - View of this rock formtion from across the canyon.
- Trail Sign - Intersection between trails to several remote destinations.
- Old Cabin - Remains of a cabin structure next to trail sign.
- Indian Head 02 - Another view of this interesting landmark.
- Salsify - Also known as Wild Oysterplant and Goat's Beard.
- Mariposa Lily 01 - Species of Calochortus of the Liliaceae (Lily Family).
- Mariposa Lily 02 - Another look at this attractive flower.
- Indian Head 03 - Looking up through trees at rock formation.
- Water Fall 01 - Located between Red Rock Meadow and Jordan Hot Springs.
- Water Fall 02 - Lots of downed trees from fire a few years ago.
- Jordan Hot Springs - The water was looking a little murky!
- Tiger Lily - Lilium kelleyanum of the Liliaceae (Lily Family).
- Bog Orchid - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchidaceae (Orchid Family).
- Richardson's Geranium - Geranium richardsonii of the Geraniaceae (Geranium Family).
South Sierra Area (May 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Hairy Suncup - Very small member of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Blazing Star - Bright yellow member of the Loasa Family.
- Ground Nama 01 - Low-growing member of the Borage Family.
- Ground Nama 02 - Nama aretioides of the Boraginaceae.
- Phacelia - Diminutive member of the Borage Family.
- Astragalus - Fuzzy seed pods of this member of the Pea Family.
- Yerba Mansa - Attractive plants growing at Jordan Hot Springs.
- Fallen Trees - Several trees fallen across trail.
- Bear - Bear at Lost Meadow with Olancha Peak in the background.
- Scale Bud 01 - Attractive member of the Sunflower Family.
- Scale Bud 02 - Bright yellow flowers open during the day.
- Ground Nama 03 - Interesting fuzzy leaves.
- Beer Keg Snow - Small patch of snow at Beer Keg Meadow.
- Bridge - Dilapidated bridge near Granite Knob.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose - Otherwise known as Oenothera xylocarpa.
South Sierra Area (April 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Albanita Snow - Snow in the shade at Albanita Meadow.
- Jackass 01 - Jackass Peak as seen from Albanita Meadow.
- Jackass 02 - Another view of Jackass Peak.
- Rockhouse Area - Some rocks and trees by the PCT.
- Blazing Star - Flower buds of this small annual.
- Petrohead Peak - Interesting peak near Kennedy Meadows.
- Pine Violet - Viola pinetorum, also known as Goosefoot Yellow Violet.
- Pink Alumroot - Heuchera rebescens of the Saxifrage Family.
- Parry's Beargrass - Nolina parryi of the Asparagus Family.
- Petroglyphs - A couple rock art figures on top of Petrohead Peak.
- Astragalus - Astragalus purshii of the Pea Family.
- Lazy Pine - This guy is lying down on the job!
- Granite Dome - Dome near Fish Creek and not far from Jackass Peak.
- Hairy Suncup 01 - Close look at this small flower.
- Hairy Suncup 02 - Camissonia pubens of the Onagraceae.
South Sierra Area (February/March 2022)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rock Pile - Pile of rocks near Clover Meadow along PCT.
- Tall Pines - Jeffrey pines near Clover Meadow along PCT.
- Ball Mountain - Ball Mountain as seen from near Clover Meadow.
- Willow Dam - Dam on South Fork of the Kern, probably built by beavers.
- Barbed Wire Fence - Fence near PCT south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Nolina - Nolina plant east of Rockhouse Basin.
- Rockhouse Basin - Looking southward from east of the river.
- No Parking Sign - Presumably the tree was upright when the sign was attached to it.
- Granite Dome - Prominent dome near Lost Creek.
- Snow and Dome - Another look at dome near shaded patch of snow.
South Sierra Area (Dec 21 / Jan 22)
Quick view of trip pics
- Can Dump - Cans and bottles in Lost Creek.
- Oak Leaves - Lots of oak leaves on the ground.
- Water Tanker - Old water tanker parked in the Sacatar area.
- Fancy Gate - Two Crow gate near Kennedy Meadows.
- Concrete Trough - Old trough by side of a dirt road in the Sacatar area.
- Icicles - Icicles in pine trees in the Sacatar area.
- Bald Mountain - View of peak from Rockhouse Basin.
- Happy Face - A little work of art in the snow!
- SFK Bridge 01 - Bridge over South Fork of the Kern.
- SFK Bridge 02 - Another look at bridge located two miles north of Kennedy Meadows Campground.
- South Fork of The Kern - Lots of snow and ice with water running underneath.
- SFK Bridge 03 - Another view of bridge located on the Pacific Crest Trail.
- Boggy Outhouse 01 - Apparently knocked over by wind.
- Boggy Outhouse 02 - Hole above which outhouse sat.
- Stone Cabin - Notice toppled outhouse in the background.
South Sierra Area (October/November 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Fall Colors - Some color aspens near Jackass Peak.
- Jackass Peak - Looking northward towards iconic peak.
- Peak With No Name - Granite summit above Lost Creek.
- Rockhouse Basin - View across northern Rockhouse Basin.
- Trout Creek Area - Looking towards granite domes late in the afternoon.
- October Snow - It didn't snow at all during November.
- More Snow - It wasn't a lot of snow, but it was pretty.
- Interesting Rocks - These rocks are west of Little Dry Meadow.
- Monache Mountain 01 - Looking north from Broder Meadow.
- Sierra Gentian - Blooming in November after an October snow.
- Long Creek - Water on the way down to Jordan Hot Springs.
- Even More Snow - The snow lasted a good long time.
- Creek Crossing - Water leaving Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Old Juniper - Gnarled juniper near Finger Peak.
- High Sierra View - Looking north towards Cirque Peak and Mount Langley.
- Ball Peak - Looking southeast from the PCT.
- Monache Mountain 02 - This view is further up Broder Meadow.
- Frozen Stream 01 - Water leaving slower than normal from Little Dry Meadow.
- Frozen Stream 02 - Looking back the other way.
- Frozen Stream 03 - Yet another look at this cold stream.
South Sierra Area (September 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Sacatar High Point - Peak 8820' at north section of wilderness area.
- View From Top - Looking down into Rose and Owens Valley.
- Tree Near Top - Nicely formed juniper tree near top of peak.
- Sleeping Circle - Located on a ridge down near Sacatar Canyon.
- Deer Antlers - Found in drainage in upper Boggy Canyon.
- Scodie Ruins 01 - The canyon is also called Scobie.
- Scodie Ruins 02 - Remains of ranch once owned by the actor who played Kramer.
- Scodie Ruins 03 - As can be seen it was a very smokey day!
- Scodie Ruins 04 - Concrete items used as stools arranged in a circle.
- Yerba Mansa - Growing at Scobie Meadow about a half mile from ruins.
South Sierra Area (August 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Corral Meadow #1 - Looking to the south early in the month.
- Old Cuts - Tree cut by chainsaw at least a couple decades ago.
- Cows Grazing - Cows grazing in upper Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Broder Meadow #1 - Cows grazing just south of Monache Meadows.
- Broder Meadow #2 - Looking back up Broder Meadow in the opposite direction.
- More Cows Grazing - July and August are the heaviest cow grazing months!
- Jackass Peak - Looking northward towards this distinctive peak.
- Sierra Gentian - Otherwise known as Gentianopsis holopetala.
- Cow Bell - Modern cows don't seem to have these old fashioned adornments.
- Logs and Pool - Manmade structure to influence water flow.
- Kingfisher - View of Big Dry Meadow from Kingfisher Ridge.
- Shaggy Hawkweed - Otherwise known as Hieracium horridum of the Sunflower Family.
- Finger Rock - Looking eastward to this popular climbing destination.
- Corral Meadow #2 - Looking to the north late in the month.
- Virgin's Bower - Clematis ligusticifolia of the Buttercup Family.
South Sierra Area (July 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lupine - Located in small meadow area southwest of Little Dry Meadow.
- Sunset - This meadow area drains down to Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Purple False Horkelia - Interesting member of the Rose Family.
- Small Cave - Also includes a small can dump located by Lost Creek
- Prickly Poppy - Durable, but attractive member of the Poppy Family.
- Lily Flowers - Some flowers growing along Durrwood Creek.
- Monache Bridge - Olancha Peak in the background.
- Rabbit - Can you spot the rabbit in the center of this picture?
- Game Camera - Camera located by trail down Lost Creek.
- Stony Meadow 01 - Looking up towards Schaeffer Mountain.
- Sneezeweed 01 - Helenium bigelovii of the Sunflower Family.
- Sneezeweed 02 - A closer look at this attractive flower.
- Stony Meadow 02 - Another look at this small, but pretty meadow area.
- Wax Currant - Nice berries on this member of the Gooseberry Family.
- Sierra Gooseberry - Berries covered with spines!
South Sierra Area (June 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Casa Vieja - Looking across the main meadow towards the northwest.
- Ceanothus - Close look at a cluster of light purple flowers.
- Big Dry Meadow - The largest of the three Dry Meadows.
- Dry Meadow - This one is just plain Dry Meadow.
- Bald Mountain View - A bench with a view at the top of this 9382 foot peak.
- Bald Mountain Lookout - Tower at the top of the peak.
- Deadhorse Bear - Bear at Deadhorse Meadow.
- Shooting Stars 01 - A group of shooting stars at unnamed meadow.
- Shooting Stars 02 - A closer look at these very attractive flowers.
- Corn Lily - Base of a very large corn lily stalk.
- Bluebells - Mertensia ciliata in the Borage Family.
- Lupine - Some flower clusters at Deadhorse Meadow.
- Beardtongue 01 - A single beardtongue plant growing amongst some boulders.
- Beardtongue 02 - A group of beardtongue flowers.
- Porterella - Small flowers growing at Lost Meadow.
- Green Cabin - Cabin located above 9000' in Lost Canyon.
- Brown Cabin - Located about 1.5 miles below Green Cabin.
- Beach Meadow - Pole to measure snow in the middle of the meadow.
- Giant Four O'Clock - Mirabilis multiflora in the Nyctaginaceae.
- Ridge Between Big and Little Dry - Lupine, corn lily, and owl's claws crowded together.
South Sierra Area (May 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lost Peak - Labeled on many maps as Peak 8483' as noted last month.
- Scodie Canyon - Upper portion of Scodie Canyon looking south.
- Sacatar Canyon - Upper portion of Sacatar Canyon looking north.
- Astragalus - Some milkvetch plants growing in the Sacatar area.
- Death Camus 01 - Beautiful flowers of this poisonous plant.
- Death Camus 02 - Another look at this attractive, but deadly plant.
- A Nice Pair - Two rusty sardine tins enjoying the view together.
- Deadhorse Meadow - Rock wall and large trees on edge of meadow area.
- Rockhouse Gate - Old gate blocking road leading down to Rockhouse Basin.
- SFK 01 - South Fork of Kern at Rockhouse Meadow.
- Hooker Meadow - Nice view at Hooker Meadow.
- Albanita Meadow - Looking up towards Finger Rock.
- Volpe Monument - Memorial marker at top of trail leading down to SFK.
- Nolina 01 - A couple nolina plants along trail down to SFK.
- Noline 02 - Close look at infloresence of Nolina parryi.
- Skullcap Flowers - Scutellaria siphocampyloides growing near creek flowing down to SFK.
- Long Valley Creek 01 - Creek flowing down to SFK.
- Long Valley Creek 02 - Lots of algae growing in slowly flowing creek.
- SFK 02 - Looking south down the river near bottom of Long Valley Creek..
- SFK 03 - Water flowing into large pool created by large boulders.
- SFK 04 - Large boulders on bank of river and mountain peaks in the distance.
- Clam Shells - Lots of clam shells found near river.
- False Lily of the Valley - Member of large patch growing near Long Valley Creek.
- Manter Meadow 01 - Looking northeast across large meadow area.
- Manter Meadow 02 - Another view of meadow and some Domeland rock formations.
- Manter Cabin - Old cabin at northwestern end of the meadow area.
- Manter Meadow 03 - Looking south through gap in trees towards meadow.
- Trail Sign - Trail leading to Rockhouse Meadow from Manter Meadow.
- Manter Creek - Creek at eastern edge of meadow area.
- Wortley Benchmark - Geodetic Survey marker on peak in the Sacatar area.
South Sierra Area (April 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Sleeping Circle - One of many sleeping circles in the Sacatar area.
- Water Trough - Located in the Deadhorse Meadow area.
- Lost Creek - Looking down on Lost Creek from the south.
- Orange Algae - Snow on the bank and orange algae in Lost Creek.
- Rock Dome 01 - Dome east of Corral Meadow drainage in Lost Creek.
- Rock Dome 02 - Another view of rock dome in Lost Creek.
- Juniper Tree - There were lots of large junipers in the Lost Creek area.
- Lost Peak - Shown as 8483' high on the map and identified as Lost BM.
- Bear - Bear in meadow area at bottom of Corral Meadow drainage.
- Petro-Head 01 - Interesting peak in the Fish Creek area.
- Rockhouse View - Looking towards Rockhouse Basin from Bakeoven Pass.
- Bakeoven View 01 - Looking down into Trout Creek drainage from Bakeoven Pass.
- Bakeoven View 02 - Another view down into Trout Creek drainage.
- Deer Antlers - No other body parts found nearby in Boggy Canyon.
- Obsidian Scraper - Interesting find in upper Sacatar area. It's about four inches long.
- Olancha Peak - Looking north from Pine Creek, south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Old Chimney - Remains of an old structure in Pine Creek.
- Scodie - Upper canyon at top of Scodie Meadow drainage.
- Viola pinetorum - Small flowers on plant found in the Deadhorse Meadow area.
- Toxicoscordion - Species of death camas found in Deadhorse Meadow area.
South Sierra Area (Feb/Mar 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pine Nut Collector - Old tool left near the Sacatar Trail.
- Boulder Shelter - Interesting stack of boulders in Rockhouse Basin.
- Southern Basin - Looking down the southern end of Rockhouse Basin.
- Old Gate - Gate near bottom of old access road emanating from Pine Creek Road.
- Gate Looking South - Another view of the southern end of Rockhouse Basin.
- Rock In Tree 01 - Near bridge across Kern River along PCT.
- Rock In Tree 02 - Another look at the same rock in a tree.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 01 - Looking southeast over ridge towards Ridgecrest.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 02 - Gnarled old juniper with a few living branches.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 03 - Large juniper on ridge with boulders.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 04 - A couple Jeffrey pines by wash with manzanita in foreground.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 05 - More Jeffrey pines further down the wash.
- Sacatar Plateau Area 06 - Even more Jeffrey pines up on slope above wash.
- Juniper Branches - Large old juniper up on a ridge near Peak 8820'.
- Old Saw Marks - Old tree partially sawed several decades ago.
- Register Can - Register can and contents for Peak 8820'.
- Old Mine Timbers - Remains near Scodie Meadow along old road to the west.
- Scodie Meadow - Bottom of meadow to the east below main meadow area.
- Interesting Boulder - Unusual boulder near upper end of Deadhorse Meadow area.
- Deadhorse Meadow - Looking up towards the main meadow area.
South Sierra Area (January 2021)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bald Mountain - Looking north from Rockhouse Basin.
- Boulders - An interesting cluster of boulders north of Kennedy Meadows.
- More Boulders - This group of boulders was south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Same Boulders - Same boulders from the other side.
- Boulder over River - Pointed boulder above South Fork of the Kern.
- Reverse View - Same boulder from the other side.
- Grinding Stone - Grinding stone in the Sacatar area.
- River and Trees - South Fork of the Kern with some nice tall Jeffrey Pines.
- River Looking South - Another view along the course of the river.
- Big Cat Tracks - My foot in picture for perspective.
South Sierra Area (December 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Juniper #1 - Growing on a ridge in the Sacatar area.
- Sacatar - Looking down on the Sacatar area from ridge.
- Random Boulders - A juniper and some boulders near Fish Creek.
- Fish Creek - There was some thin ice, but it's not evident in the photo.
- Jeffrey Pines - Nice stand of young pines near Fish Creek.
- Boulders and Snow - Looking south from ridge near Bald Peak.
- Bald Mountain - Snow on northeast side of Bald Mountain.
- Granite Ridgetop #1 - Located in the Bald Peak area.
- Granite Ridgetop #2 - Another look at granite ridgetop.
- Scodie Spring - Small amount of snow around spring.
- Juniper #2 - Tree located very close to Scodie Spring.
- Kern River #1 - Snow around South Fork of Kern River.
- Kern River #2 - This is about 2.5 miles south of Kennedy Meadows on PCT.
- Kern River #3 - Ice on river and lots of snow on banks.
- Paw Prints - Coyote paw prints in snow along river banks.
South Sierra Area (November 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Black Bear - Bear hanging out at upper portion of Jackass Meadow.
- Tree Rock 01 - Large boulder with tree growing out of it.
- Tree Rock 02 - A closer look at the tree growing out of the rock.
- Heuchera - Also known as pink alumroot of the Saxifrage Family.
- Olancha From Smith - Large rock formation on northern slope of Smith Mountain.
- Olancha Sunsert - Looking northeast towards Olancha Peak from near Jackass Peak.
- Snowy Trail 01 - Section of trail north of Jackass Peak heading down to Monache.
- Snowy Trail 02 - Another section of trail at about 8100 feet in elevation.
- Monache Mountain 01 - Looking northwest towards dome-like mound of a mountain.
- Monache Mountain 02 - Another look at this distinctively shaped mountain.
- Old Wagon Trail - Canyon through which historic trail traveled in the Sacatar area.
- Kern River - Section of South Fork of the Kern below PCT north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Camp Table - Crude table standing at campsite next to Kern River.
- Campfire Ring - Another look at campsite next to Kern River.
- Frozen Stream 01 - Frozen spring-fed stream in Sacatar area.
- Frozen Stream 02 - Another section of frozen stream in Sacatar area.
- Heart Pond 01 - Metal bridge crossing small pond to island.
- Heart Pond 02 - Another look at pond south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Heart Pond 03 - The heart-shape is very apparent from this angle.
- Heart Pond 04 - The pond was once part of a Boy Scout camp many years ago.
South Sierra Area (October 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Large Pinyon - Tree at along ridgeline at 7800 feet.
- Juniper 01 - Large juniper in the Sacatar area.
- Juniper 02 - Another large juniper in the Sacatar area.
- Juniper 03 - Particularly large tree on ridge at about 7600 feet.
- License Plates - Imprints of license plates on concrete pillar.
- Mushroom - Fungus growing at bottom of trunk of tree.
- Juniper 04 - Gnarled tree on top of ridge.
- Juniper 05 - Another look at picturesque tree.
- Ridgeline View - Looking down on side canyon in Sacatar area.
- Upper Sacatar - View from ridgeline near top of Sacatar area.
South Sierra Area (September 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Evening Primrose - Pretty yellow flower growing at spring.
- Scodie Spring - Productive spring near top of Scodie Canyon.
- Digger Pine - Large digger pine along PCT near Chimney Peak area.
- Puffball - Puffballs growing beneath small oak tree.
- Juniper #1 - Large, stately juniper tree in Sacatar Canyon area.
- Stunted Pinyon - Weird branching pattern on this pinyon.
- Juniper #2 - Another large juniper growing in the Sacatar area.
- Juniper #3 - Yet another large juniper growing at about 7800 feet.
- Juniper #4 - Large specimen surrounded by pinyons mostly.
- Game Camera - Including two salt blocks, one white and one brown.
- Juniper #5 - There are a lot of huge junipers in the Sacatar area.
- Jeffrey Pine - Jeffrey pine growing on east side of main ridgeline.
- Juniper #6 - Like I said, there is an abundance of junipers!
- Lichen on Rocks - Orange and yellow lichen growing on granite.
- Juniper #7 - Large symetrical juniper standing tall.
South Sierra Area (August 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- PCT - Trail dropping into Rockhouse Basin from the south.
- Golden Eardrops - Interesting member of the Poppy Family.
- Milkweed - Large seed pods on milkweed plant growing by trail.
- Golden Trout - Wilderness sign on ridge between Osa and Casa Vieja meadows.
- Trail Sign 01 - Sign on ridge between meadows.
- Ridge 01 - Rocks on ridge near Blackrock Mountain.
- Ridge 02 - More rocks on ridge near Blackrock Mountain.
- Trail Marker - Rocks stacked on trail leading up to ridge.
- Trail Sign 02 - Sign on tree at Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Finger Rock - Looking from northwest towards ridge near Albanita Meadow.
- Cows and Smoke - Cows at Albanita Meadow with Jackass Peak in background.
- Jackass Peak - Cows, smoke, and granite peak.
- Balanced Rock - Would you walk out to the tip of this one?
- Juniper Tree - Diameter at the base is about eight to ten feet.
- Sacatar View - Looking down on Old Wagon Trail route.
South Sierra Area (July 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lesser Paintbrush - Castilleja minor of the Broomrape Family.
- Monardella - Attractive member of the Mint Family.
- Narrow Leaved Wire Lettuce - Stephanomeria tenuifolia of the Sunflower Family.
- Cattle Grazing - Large meadow area about five miles from Blackrock Trailhead.
- Woollystar - Eriastrum densifolium of the Phlox Family.
- Pinyons - Later afternoon sun on pines in Boggy Canyon.
- Columbine - Aquilegia formosa of the Buttercup Family growing in Boggy Canyon.
- Meadow Area - Portion of Casa Vieja Meadow above narrow passage.
- Big Dry Meadow - Cattle grazing at Big Dry Meadow.
- Kern Peak - Looking north from Big Dry Meadow.
- Yellow Monkey Flower - A species of Erythranthe of the Lopseed Family.
- Interesting Rock - Blue areas indicate presence of copper.
- Shady Meadow - Small meadow area about a mile from Little Dry Meadow.
- Larkspur 01 - A species of Delphinium in the Buttercup Family.
- Larkspur 02 - These plants were located in shady meadow area near Little Dry Meadow.
- Pine Drops - Pterospora andromedea of the Heath Family.
- Grazing Cattle - Group of cattle grazing in upper portion of Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Bog Saxifrage - Micranthes oregana of the Saxifrage Family.
- Bald Mountain - Looking south from south end of Hooker Meadow.
- South Fork of Kern - Above gorge looking south towards Monache Meadow.
South Sierra Area (June 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- White Lupine - Close look at the inflorescence of the lupine.
- Sleeping Circle #1 - Native American sleeping circle in Sacatar area.
- Sleeping Circle #2 - Another sleeping circle, several in the area.
- Pinyon Growth - Odd growth in pinyon pine tree.
- Kern River #1 - Section of Kern River south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Kern River #2 - Another look at the river a few miles south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Beardtongue - Pretty, pink flowers growing next to trail.
- California Flannel Bush - Lots of bushes in full bloom.
- PCT #1 - Bushes and peaks along PCT south of Kennedy Meadows.
- PCT #2 - Another perspective including the Kern River.
- PCT #3 - A section of the Pacific Crest Trail.
- Casa Vieja Meadow - Big fluffy clouds in the sky above meadow.
- Big Dry Meadow - Looking to the north across large meadow area.
- Trail Sign - Pointing the way to a couple of popular destinations.
- Meadow View - Looking down on Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Evening Primrose - Oenothera xylocarpa of the Onagraceae.
- More Trail Signs - A couple more interesting destinations.
- Albanita Spring - Small spring surrounded by old fence.
- Lost Meadow - Section of trail on the way through Lost Meadow.
- Peak At Sunset - Small peak as seen from Albanita Meadow.
Upper Sacatar Canyon (May 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Cabin Site - Remains of an old cabin.
- Astagalus - Low growing member of the Pea Family.
- Wallflower - Erysimum capitatum of the Mustard Family.
- Cushion Cryptantha 01 - Cryptantha circumscissa of the Borage Family.
- Cushion Cryptantha 02 - Also known as Western Forget Me Not.
- Chocolate Drops 01 - Lower leaves of Caulanthus pilosus.
- Chocolate Drops 02 - Also known as Hairy Wild Cabbage.
- Chocolate Drops 03 - Member of the Mustard Family.
- Grinding Stones 01 - Used by Native Americans to grind stuff to meal.
- Grinding Stones 02 - Most likely used on pinyon seeds or acorns.
- Stone Cabin 01 - Old cabin on BLM land being fixed up.
- Outhouse 01 - Brand new outhouse installed by stone cabin.
- Outhouse 02 - Old metal roof on top of new wood.
- Pringle's Woolly Sunflower - Eriophyllum pringlei of the Sunflower Family.
- Stone Cabin 02 - Another view of the stone cabin.
- Lupine - A close look at some lupine flowers.
- Bobcat Skull - Nice look at the large tooth of a bobcat.
- Showy Penstemon - Penstemon speciosus of the Plantain Family.
- Juniper Tree - Large member of the Cypress Family.
- Antelope Bush - Purshia tridentata of the Rose Family.
- Flowing Creek - Running water in side canyon of Boggy Canyon.
- Granite Gilia - Flowers growing among boulders at top of ridge.
- Tall Pine - Jeffrey pine at top slope of Boggy Canyon.
- Paintbrush - Species of Castilleja of the Broomrape Family.
- Large Juniper - Lots of chocolate drop plants beneath its branches.
Long Canyon (May 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Jeffrey #1 - Jeffrey pines growing near end of Forest Serivce road.
- Jeffrey #2 - Another Jeffrey surrounded by junipers and pinyons.
- Hunting Platform - Not sure who installed this or why they did it.
- Tubes - Green and white tubes, probably to protect seedlings.
- Forest Road - Looking up the canyon along Forest Service road.
- Jeffrey #3 - Jeffrey forest near end of road.
- Turn Around #1 -Large turn around area at end of road.
- Canyon View #1 - Looking down from ridge near approximate trail.
- Snow on Ridge - Looking along approximate trail dropping into Wildrose Canyon.
- Water Tub - Located within sight of hunting platform.
- Wildlife Camera - One of two such cameras spotted on hike.
- Turn Around #2 - Two trails atually start at this location.
- Jeffrey #3 - More large and healthy Jeffrey pines trees.
- Main Canyon - Looking down canyon from near top of main canyon.
- Burn #1 - There must have been a large fire at top of canyon a few years ago.
- Burn #2 - Hundreds of dead mountain mahogany trees.
- Burn #3 - Another look at burnt mountain mahogany trees.
- Lookout Structure - Various remains indicate some kind of structure on peak nar top of canyon.
- Burn #4 - Dead trees and looking down canyon near peak (about 8948 feet).
- Antlers - Large pair of antlers found near top of canyon.
Upper Sacatar Canyon (April 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Jeffrey #1 - Jeffrey on ridge above canyon.
- Sacatar Trailhead - Looking down on the lower trailhead.
- Juniper #1 - Juniper on ridge with boulders and snow.
- Split Boulder - Looking south along ridgeline.
- Juniper #2 - Another juniper on ridge with snow and rocks.
- Jeffrey #2 - Group of Jeffreys at bottom of canyon.
- Jeffrey #3 - More Jeffreys at bottom of canyon.
- Jeffrey #4 - Another look at Jeffreys at bottom of canyon.
- Jeffrey #5 - A especially tall Jeffrey at bottom of canyon.
- Pinyon Hook - Twenty foot pole used to harvest pinyon cones.
Upper Sacatar Canyon (March 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Juniper 01 - Juniper tree at about 7400 feet.
- Juniper 02 - Another juniper tree a little further up the canyon.
- Wash, Road, and Junipers - More wonderful junipers a little ways up the canyon.
- South Haiwee Reservoir - View from 7700 feet into south Owens Valley.
- Valley View - Looking down on Highway 395 from 7700 feet.
- Group of Junipers - Gnarly juniper trees in a group.
- Juniper Berries - Lots of bear food on the ground beneath large juniper trees.
- Snowy Side Canyon - Snow and pinyons at about 7600 feet.
- Juniper Trunks - Trunks of a few large juniper trees.
- Moonrise - Moonrising over ridge at trailhead.
- Large Pine on Ridge - Either a Jeffrey or Ponderosa.
- Little Lake - Looking down on Highway 395, etc.
- Juniper 03 - Large specimen on saddle to Long Canyon.
- Long Canyon 01 - First side canyon to Long Canyon.
- Long Canyon 02 - Another view of first side canyon to Long Canyon.
- Juniper 04 - Large specimen located on Long Canyon side of saddle.
- Mountain Mahogany - Nice specimen near Juniper 04.
- Junipers 05 - A couple nice specimens on the east side of Sacatar Canyon.
- Large Boulder - Just below junipers 05 sits this house-sized boulder!
- Wild Hogs - Could turn Long Canyon into a septic wallow!
- Deer Spring #1 - Canyon about a mile above the spring.
- Green Peak - Peak at the top of Deer Spring Canyon.
- View to North - Looking across Sacatar Canyon to the north.
- Three Junipers - Three trees growing in the same spot.
- Tangle Clump - Tangled clump at Deer Spring.
- Deer Spring #2 - Water flowing below the spring.
- Water Trough - Probably for livestock that grazed the area at one time.
- Plastic Tubing - Tubing to get water to the trough.
- Icicles - Some icicles hanging from a rock near Deer Spring.
- Morning Snow - Fresh snow the next morning!
- Another Icicle - Above 7000 feet in side canyon leading to Long Canyon.
- Mountain View - Above 7700 feet near saddle leading to Long Canyon.
- Another View - Same location as previous pic, just another angle.
- Large Juniper - Oval shaped trunk with max width of slightly over six feet.
- Icicle In Rock - Icicle hanging in crevice between two rocks.
Upper Sacatar Trail (February 2020)
Quick view of trip pics
- Juniper At Pass - Juniper tree at top of trail.
- Snow On Slopes - Lots of snow on north-facing slopes.
- Little Lake Canyon #1 - Looking down upper portion of Little Lake Canyon.
- Little Lake Canyon #2 - View out into desert below bottom of canyon.
- Vapor Trail - Interesting vapor trail emerging from massive cloud.
- Little Lake Canyon #3 - Another view down into Little Lake Canyon.
- Pinyons and Snow - Snowy slopes and pinyons where trail crosses into top of canyon.
- Section of Trail - Once a road, now mostly a narrow and frequently obstructed trail.
- Another Section of Trail - Stretch of trail near top of the east side of the trail.
- Sacatar Sunset - Sunset on west side of the high point.
Lower Sacatar Trail (September 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trailhead #1 - Looking down canyon from trailhead parking area.
- Sacatar Sign - Sacatar Trail Wilderness sign next to parking area.
- Trailhead #2 - Entry gate at beginning of trail at about 4100 feet.
- View South - Looking south from about 5200 feet.
- View North - Looking north from about 5200 feet.
- Buckwheat - Most likely a variety of Sulphur Buckwheat.
- Trailhead #3 - Looking down on trailhead parking area from about 5500 feet.
- Little Lake Canyon - Thicket at bottom of canyon at about 6000 feet.
- Pinyons Along Trail - Pinyons become prominent along trail above 6500 feet.
- Obsidian Flakes - Lots of obsidian chips along trail at about 6600 feet.
Kennedy PCT South (September 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- PCT Houses - Houses near PCT south of Kennedy Meadows.
- Trail 01 - Section of trail cutting through sagebrush.
- Peaks 01 - Peaks off to the south.
- Old Cabin - Neglected cabin next to trail.
- Valley View - View to the north along trail.
- Kern River 01 - Section of south fork of the Kern.
- Trail 02 - Section of trail near the river.
- Willows - A thicket of willows growing along river.
- Peaks 02 - Looking to the south towards peaks.
- Kern River 02 - Another look at the south fork of the Kern.
Dry-Long Loop (September 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Casa Vieja - Cows grazing in the meadow.
- Kern Peak - Kern Peak with Casa Vieja in the foreground.
- Sierra Gentian - Gentianopsis holopetala of the GENTIANACEAE.
- Deer - A deer on alert at Little Dry Meadow.
- Wintergreen 01 - Pyrola picta of the Ericaceae.
- Wintergreen 02 - The Ericaceae is also known as the Heath Family.
- Wintergreen 03 - May also be listed as Pyrolaceae.
- Baneberry - Actaea rubra of the Buttercup Family.
- Large Mushroom - It was about sixteen inches in diameter.
- Route Map - Two stretches with some route-finding issues, otherwise clear trail.
Lava Overlook (September 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Concrete Square - Located near meadow and a bunch of other remains.
- Lower Scodie - Looking down canyon towards trailhead.
- Scodie Meadow - Scodie Meadow from the west.
- Ridgeline - Looking north along main ridgeline.
- Crop Circles - Looking down on Pearsonville area.
- Sulphur Buckwheat - Bright yellow flowers at about 7400 feet.
- Yucca - Group of yucca on west side of ridge at about 7400 feet.
- Sage Flowers - Close look at sage flowers.
- More Sage - Lots of sage flowers in bloom.
- Picnic Table - Old wooden table located at top of south lookout area.
Lost Meadow (August 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Primrose Monkeyflower - Mimulus primuloides of the Figwort Family.
- Olancha 01 - Olancha Peak as seen from the top of Lost Meadow.
- Deer Mountain - Deer Mountain as seen from the bottom of Lost Meadow.
- Olancha 02 - Olancha Peak as seen from a bit west of the bottom of Lost Meadow.
- Kern Frasera - Frasera tubulosa of the Gentian Family.
- Waterhole #3 - Rock lined spring named after movie from 1967.
- Owl's Claws - Hymenoxys hoopesii of the Sunflower Family.
- American Speedwell - Veronica americana of the Plantain Family.
- Mushrooms - Lots of mushrooms all over the place on this hike!
- Albanita Spring - Wooden fence around small spring.
Kennedy-Wildrose (August 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bridges Penstemon - Penstemon rostriflorus of the Figwort Family.
- Spring Box - Some sort of cap placed on spring located next to trail.
- Paintbrush - Castilleja of the Figwort or Broomrape Family, depending on who you listen to.
- Wildrose Notch - Looking south towards notch through which trail travels.
- Rothrock's Nama - Nama rothrockii of the Borage Family.
- Golden Eardrops - Ehrendorferia chrysantha in the Poppy Family.
- Burn Area - One of many trees in an area that was hit by fire years ago.
- Haiwee Pass - Looking north towards Haiwee Pass area.
- Olancha Peak - Looking further north towards Olancha Peak.
- Stinging Nettle - Urtica dioica of the Nettle Family.
North Of Chimney Peak (August 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Millsite Claim - Information on rocks next to trail about claim.
- Rusty Truck - Bullet hole-ridden old trucks a couple miles up the trail.
- Millsite #1 - Some kind of millsite located next to trail.
- Millsite #2 - Looking down on trail from millsite.
- Millsite #3 - Another look at debris left at millsite.
- Fox Mill Spring - Sign below millsite and next to trail.
- Piute Morning Glory - Calystegia longipes in the Morning Glory Family.
- Golden Eardrops - Ehrendorferia chrysantha in the Poppy Family.
- Trail View - View at 7500' northward along PCT.
- Tehachapi Bush Mallow - Malacothamnus orbiculatus of the Mallow Family.
- Down Canyon - Looking back down towards Chimney Peak Campground.
- Ore Loader 01 - Old wooden ore loader near Fox Mill Spring.
- Ore Loader 02 - Another view of old wooden ore loader.
- Concrete Slab - Remains of one of the structures shown on topographical maps of the area.
- Section of Trail - Steep section of trail at about 7000 feet.
Scodie Part Four (July 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Poverty Weed - Iva axillaris of the Sunflower Family.
- Thick Leaved Sage - Salvia pachyphylla of the Mint Family.
- Concrete Slab - Small slab about four miles up canyon.
- Keckiella - A species of Keckiella of the Figwort Family.
- Mountain Flowers - Thick leaved sage, sulphur flower, and Giant Woollystar.
- Sandwort - A species of Minuartia of the Caryophyllaceae.
- Bedstraw - A species of Galium of the Madder Family.
- Giant Juniper - A rather large specimen of Juniperus california.
- Seed Pods - These seed pods belong to Fremontodendron californicum of the Mallow Family.
- Acorns - Quercus chrysolepis of the Oak Family.
- Low Canyon - Beginning of each of four hikes including Scodie Meadow.
- First Hike - Clear road, but not shown on map.
- Second Hike - Up main canyon to spring with exploration.
- Third Hike - Followed road not shown on map to overview of Five Mile Canyon.
- Fourth Hike - Followed road up major side canyon.
Scodie Part Three (July 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Thick Leaved Sage - Salvia pachyphylla of the Mint Family.
- Snake 01 - Probably a striped racer.
- Snake 02 - Probably a some kind of gopher snake.
- Five Mile Canyon - Top of next canyon north of Nine Mile Canyon!
- Buckwheat Flowers - A species of Eriogonum of the Buckwheat Family.
- Cotton Catclaw 01 - Tetradymia axillaris of the Asteraceae.
- Cotton Catclaw 02 - Close look at seeds on the ground.
- Cotton Catclaw 03 - Full view of bush and seeds.
- Scodie Meadow 01 - Looking north late in the day.
- Scodie Meadow 02 - Looking south as the sun sets.
More Scodie Meadow (July 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Canyon View - Looking down canyon from 7550 feet.
- Cross Canyon View - Looking across canyon from same point as previous video.
- Fremontia - Fruits of Fremontodendron californicum of the Mallow Family.
- Monardella - Most likely Monardella linoides of the Mint Family.
- Sandwort - Some species of Eremogone of the Caryophyllaceae.
- Sage and Pines - Near top of canyon at about 7500 feet.
- Spring - Spring at about 7500 feet in main canyon.
- Hedge Nettle - Stachys albens of the Mint Family.
- Hole in Rock - Grinding hole or natural? Tons of obsidian chips throughout canyon.
- Fremonia - The flower of Fremontodendron californicum.
Scodie Meadow (July 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- California Broomrape - Aphyllon californicum of the Broomrape Family.
- Scodie Ranch 01 - I don't know what they called it, but Scodie Ranch will work.
- Scodie Ranch 02 - Remains of a group of buildings, but not much info.
- Scodie Ranch 03 - More steps and stonework located next to meadow.
- Scodie Ranch 04 - Large tree in planter and block walls.
- Scodie Ranch 05 - Large tree from opposite side looking up the canyon.
- Scodie Ranch 06 - Looking back towards bottom of canyon towards Chimney Peak area.
- Scodie Meadow - Looking up from bottom of meadow from ruins of ranch.
- Showy Penstemon - Penstemon speciosus of the Plantain Family.
- Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis californica of the Lizard's Tail Family.
- Trail Sign - Showing the way to the Lava Field Overlook Trail.
- Nama rothrockii 01 - Locally abundant plant also known as Rothrock's Fiddleleaf.
- Nama rothrockii 02 - But as with many common names it has more than one!
- Nama rothrockii 03 - Rothrock's Nama is also one of this plants common names.
- Nama rothrockii 04 - Due to rhizomes it readily forms colonies.
Dry-Long Loop (July 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Kern Peak - View from Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Fritillary - Fritillaria pinetorum of the Lily Family.
- Phlox - An unspecified member of the Phlox Family.
- Erythranthe barbata - Interesting member of the Lopseed Family.
- Clover - A species of Trifolium from the Pea Family.
- Trail Sign #1 - Located at the edge of Little Dry Meadow.
- Trail Sign #2 - Located on opposite edge of Little Dry Meadow.
- Snow Patch - One of many patches of snow encountered on hike.
- Bluebells - Mertensia ciliata of the Borage Family.
- Big Dry Meadow - Not looking so dry this summer!
- Shooting Star - Dodecatheon redolens of the Primrose Family.
- Long Canyon Meadow - Sign located at edge of meadow area.
- Lower Cabin - The lower of two cabins located in Long Canyon.
- Bear - Taking a stroll through Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Evening Primrose - Oenothera xylocarpa of the Onagraceae.
South Of Chimney Peak (June 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Chimney Road - Looking down towards south across meadow area.
- Bush Monkeyflower - Mimulus aurantiacus of the Figwort Family.
- Keckiella - A species of Keckiella also of the Figwort Family.
- Fremontia - Fremontodendron californicum of the Mallow Family.
- Nude Buckwheat 01 - Eriogonum nudum westonii of the Buckwheat Family.
- Nude Buckwheat 02 - Another look at this attractive member of the Polygonaceae.
- Narrow-Leaved Monardella - Monardella linoides of the Mint Family.
- Trail Going South - Five miles south of Chimney Road along PCT.
- Trail Going North - Same spot looking to the north along trail.
- Grinnell's Penstemon - Penstemon grinnellii, a beardtongue, in the Plantain Family.
- Section of Trail - About four miles from road at about 7000 feet.
- Showy Penstemon - Penstemon speciosus of the Plantain Family.
- Big Tree By Trail - Very large tree growing next to trail on steep slope.
- Evening Snow - Linanthus dichotomus of the Phlox Family.
- Mojave Ceanothus - Ceanothus vestitus of the Buckthorn Family.
Snow On Trail Pass (June 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- Stream Crossing - Horseshoe Meadow stream crossing.
- PCT - Stetch of trail north of Trail Pass.
- Mount Langley - Plenty of snow on the highest mountain in sight.
- Snowy Slope - Lots of snow north of Trail Pass.
- More Snow - Even more snow about a mile north of Trail Pass.
- Olancha Peak - Lots of snow on the tall peak to the south.
- Snow Plant - Sarcodes sanguinea of the Heath Family.
- Snow Patch - Odd snow patch down by Mulkey Meadow.
- Kern Peak - Plenty of snow on the big peak to the west.
- Buttercup - Ranunculus alismifolius of the Buttercup Family.
Corral Guzzlers (June 2019)
Quick view of trip pics
- California Hesperochiron - Hesperochiron californicus of the Borage Family.
- Corral Meadow - Old fence barely visible in middle of image.
- Snow Plant - Sarcodes sanguinea of the Heath Family.
- Guzzler Meadow - No name on the map, but this was the destination for the hike.
- Guzzlers and Meadow - You can call them water troughs, if you'd like.
- Guzzlers - A closer look at these livestock water troughs.
- Old Trough - An old trough a few feet away from the newer ones.
- Bear Hug - Two bears trying to make more bears.
- Crag Peak - View from saddle above drainage containing guzzlers.
- Larkspur - Most likely Delphinium polycladon.
Mulky-Trail-Cottonwood (August 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Horseshoe Meadow - Cattle grazing in meadow near trailhead.
- Mulky Pass - Trail sign at Mulky Pass pointing the way to two other passes.
- Kern Peak #1 - View of Kern Peak from PCT between Mulky and Trail.
- Trail Pass - Trail sign at Trail Pass pointing the way to several destinations.
- Pines and Trail - Section of trail north of Trail Pass on the Inyo County side of the divide.
- Poison Meadow - Cattle grazing very close to the PCT at Poison Meadow.
- Kern Peak #2 - Another view of Kern Peak a little further north up the trail.
- More Pines and Trail - This section of the PCT is on the Tulare County side of the divide.
- Salt Lick - Fresh salt lick left up a canyon above trail to Cottonwood Pass.
- Route Map - Dot denotes location of salt lick. Loop Distance: 11.3 miles
Little Dry Loop (August 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trail Scenery - Pines on ridge along way from Casa Vieja to Little Dry.
- Trail Signs - Same general area as previous image.
- Little Dry Meadow - Pleasant meadow off the beaten path.
- North End - Interesting rock formations at north end of meadow.
- Closer Look - Images appear with a little imagination.
- Big Dry Meadow - Grass turning yellow during late August.
- Long Canyon Creek - Looking up Long Canyon Creek drainage.
- Log Cabin - One of the cabins near Long Canyon Creek.
- Salt Lick - Same salt lick as the one shown in July.
- Secluded Meadow - Another pleasant meadow well off the beaten path.
- Sierra Gentian - Gentianopsis holopetala of the GENTIANACEAE.
- Grazing Cows - Bunch of cows hanging out at Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Currants - Lots of ripe berries for the birds and bears to munch on.
- Pleasant Trail - Section of trail next to Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Map of Route - Especially note part that leaves the trail and follows Long Canyon Creek.
Deer Mountain (August 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Crag Peak - Beck Meadow cabins below Crag Peak.
- Beck Meadow - Another look at the cabins.
- Monache Mountain - Beck Meadow looking north.
- PCT Marker - Looking south along a stretch of the PCT.
- Cowboy Potty - Somewhat unique accommodations.
- Cowboy Camp - Compare to previous pics from 2013.
- Ballhead Phacelia - Phacelia hydrophylloides of the Borage Family.
- Crag and Meadow - Cowboy camp meadow at center of image from top of Deer Peak.
- Scattered Pines - Scenery on northeast side of Deer Peak.
- Olancha Cows - Cows in the foreground and Olancha Peak in the background.
Corral Meadow Loop (August 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pine Drops - Pterospora andromedea of the Heath Family.
- Hooker Meadow - View of mountain meadow at 8400 feet on a cloudy day.
- Allotment Marker - This marker is near the start of the unmapped cutoff trail.
- Corral Meadow - No official trail to this meadow although there are unmapped trails available.
- Stately Tree - Lots of large, old trees in the area. This one is near Finger Peak.
- Albanita Meadow - Look closely and you'll see a deer!
- Deer - A deer hanging out at Albanita Meadow.
- Cowpoke Stove - This is the old camp surrounded by aspens mentioned by Jenkins.
- Corn Lily - Veratrum californicum of the Lily Family.
- Salsify - Non-native Tragopogon dubius of the Sunflower Family.
Long Creek (July 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bog Orchid - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchid Family.
- Salt Lick - Fresh block for cows on way down to hidden meadow area.
- Campfire Pit - One of several fire rings around the hidden meadow area.
- Tiger Lily #1 - Lots of lilies along Long Creek above and below hidden meadow.
- Tiger Lily #2 - Lilium kelleyanum of the Lily Family.
- Long Creek - Ample water flowing down creek which eventually joins the Kern River.
- Stacked Rocks - Boulders appear to be stacked in layers.
- More Boulders - Looking down Long Creek drainage.
- Fireweed - Several colonies observed along banks of creek.
- Interesting Boulders - Rock worn into strange shapes by Long Creek.
- Monkshood - Aconitum columbianum of the Buttercup Family.
- Hidden Meadow Area - Not named on map this meadow is a mile off the trail along Long Creek.
- Mountain Marsh Larkspur - Delphinium polycladon of the Buttercup Family.
- Cows - These cows were hanging out at Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Calf - A young cow hanging with the herd.
Lost Meadow (July 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Albanita Spring - The actual spring is inside the fenced area.
- Granite Cone - One of many such protrusions in the area.
- Lost Meadow - Scene at the top of the mile and a half long meadow.
- Olancha Peak - Looking down Lost Meadow towards Olancha Peak.
- Columbine Flowers - A few plants along the route observed.
- Lost Meadow Creek - The creek is dry in some spots and there are pools in other spots.
- Sign Missing Words - Looks like a bear decided to do a little editing.
- Lupine - A cluster of lupine plants at bottom of Lost Meadow.
- Waterhole No. 3 - Named after movie from 1967 starring James Coburn.
- Deer #1 - Looking up Lost Meadow at a couple creatues with large ears.
- Deer #2 - They seem to be quite interested in who is taking their picture.
- Checkerbloom - Lots of this plant in all meadows encountered on this hike.
- Mountain Pride - Several clumbs of this plant observed along route.
- Blue Bird - No doubt that this bird is blue!
- Albanita Meadow - Sign points way to Hooker Meadow.
Jordan Hot Springs (July 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Meadow Area - Looking towards meadow at Jordan Hot Springs.
- Fire Damage #1 - Fire damage between Jordan HS and Indian Head.
- Fire Damage #2 - Looking down towards Jordan HS from along Redrock Creek.
- Yerba Mansa #1 - Anemopsis californica of the Lizard's-Tail Family.
- Soaking Pool - Sandbags used to make a dam at the hot springs.
- Yerba Mansa #2 - Dozens of plants on steep bank above creek.
- Mullein - Otherwise known as cowboy toilet paper!
- Cabin - One of several historic structures which were part of the resort.
- Outhouse - Can't have cabins without at least one outhouse!
- Redrock Creek - Looking up drainage towards Indian Head (barely visible).
- Historic Site Sign - Entry to the Jordan Hot Springs resort area
- Selfheal - Prunella vulgaris of the Mint Family.
- Ninemile Creek #1 - Section of creek between Jordan HS and Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Fireweed - Epilobium angustifolium of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Ninemile Creek #2 - Water rippling downwards to eventually become part of the Kern River.
Triple Dry Loop (June 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Penstemon - Only one patch of these flowers encountered on entire loop.
- Little Dry Meadow #1 - Lots of downed trees around this meadow.
- Little Dry Meadow #2 - Looking south from north end of meadow.
- Trail Sign #1 - Unexpected sign along seldom used stretch of trail.
- Big Dry Meadow - The largest of the Dry Meadows.
- Hairy Yellow Paintbrush #1 - Nice group of these at Big Dry Meadow.
- Hairy Yellow Paintbrush #2 - Another look at this interesting plant.
- Dirty Socks - Lots of dirty socks in all the meadow areas along this route.
- Dry Meadow #1 - Kern Peak from just plain Dry Meadow.
- Dry Meadow #2 - Just plain Dry Meadow as opposed to Big or Little.
- Trail Sign #2 - Pointing the way across just plain Dry Meadow.
- Trail Sign #3 - Yet another sign along the route.
- Trail Sign #4 - A couple more signs to help hikers find their way.
- Snake - Small snake in creek by Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Columbine - Aquilegia formosa of the Buttercup Family.
Muir Lake (June 2018)
Quick view of trip pics
- Shooting Star - Dodecatheon redolens of the Primrose Family.
- Muir Lake #1 - Looking to the northwest across Muir Lake.
- Muir Lake #2 - Southerly view across Muir Lake.
- Muir Lake #3 - Picturesque tree growing just north of the lake.
- Muir Lake #4 - The north shore of the lake in the foreground.
- Bird - This might be a Clark's Nutcracker, but I'm not certain.
- Bog Laurel - Kalmia polifolia of the Heath Family.
- Mount Langley - View of the peak from Cottonwood Basin.
- Sierra Primrose #1 - Primula suffretescens of the Primrose Family.
- Sierra Primrose #2 - These plants were growing near a snow bank.
- Sierra Primrose #3 - Not too far from lake number six.
- Snow Bank #1 - View of lakes number four and three.
- Snow Bank #2 - Looking up the basin from patch of snow.
- Large Boulder - What would happen if the stick were removed? LOL
- Army Pass - Old Army Pass with snow along upper portion of trail.
- Lake Six - Gnarled wood near shore of Lake Six.
- Marmot - Resident of Lake Six keeping vigilant watch.
- Ledge Stonecrop - Formerly known as Sedum rosea, now Rhodiola integrifolia.
- Lakes Four and Three - The middle lakes of Cottonwood Basin.
- Trees and Trail - Section of trail between lakes four and three.
- VIDEO: Just Plain Water - One minute video featuring scenes from hike.
Little Dry Loop (September 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Cattle - Cows grazing at Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Sierra Gentian #1 - Gentianopsis holopetala of the GENTIANACEAE.
- Sierra Gentian #2 - More gentian growing in meadow east of Casa Vieja.
- Trail Sign - Located at northern end of Little Dry Meadow.
- Large Mushroom #1 - Large brown mushroom found north of Little Dry Meadow.
- Monache Trail Sign - Located along seldom used trail north of Little Dry Meadow.
- Large Mushroom #2 - Found near cabin at bottom of Long Canyon.
- Tiny Green Toad - Lots of toads hopping all over the place on this hike!
- Creek Crossing - Heading back towards Casa Vieja.
- Casa Vieja Corral - Looks like repairs made recently.
- Map of Hike - GPS route for hike. Blackrock Trailhead cut off at bottom.
Albanita-Hooker-Corral Loop (August 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trail Marker - Classic I-sign on tree in Albanita Meadow.
- Trail Sign - Sign on tree and fence around spring in the background.
- Rock Dome #1 - Looking east at dome from Albanita Meadow.
- California Hesperochiron - Also known as Hesperochiron californicus of the Borage Family.
- Hooker Trail - Following trail not shown on map connecting Hooker to Corral.
- Manzanita Berries - They're supposed to be natural laxatives.
- Fallen Tree - Lots of recently downed trees in the general area.
- Corral Trough - View from upper end of meadow, just below spring.
- Bush Chinquapin - Seed pods forming on this low growing bush.
- Finger Rock #1 - View of Finger Rock from ridge near Corral Meadow.
- Finger Rock #2 - A closer look at this giant, granite finger.
- Northern View - Monache Mountain in foreground and Langley in the background.
- Rock Dome #2 - Same rock dome as before, but a different angle.
- Tiny Toad - Lots of these guys hopping around all over the place!
- Porterella - Also known as Porterella carnosula of the Bellflower Family.
- Map of Hike - GPS route for hike.
Bell Cow Camp (August 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trail Signs - Set of signs between Strawberry and Templeton Meadows.
- Kern River - The trail crosses through a small gorge east of Strawberry Meadows.
- Campsite - Nice campsite sitting sixty feet above South Fork of Kern River.
- Bell Fence #1 - Old fence posts outlining Bell Cow Camp.
- Barbed Wire - One of many rusty coils of barbed wire to be found near fence.
- Bell Fence #2 - Fence crossing meadow area.
- Bell Fence #3 - There is easily a mile of fence posts around the camp area.
- Bell Fence #4 - There is also old, railed fencing in some spots.
- Bell Fence #5 - The cabin is barely visible way in the back.
- Bench Structure - Metal areas probably for horse food, but hard to say.
- Front of Cabin - View of area in front of cabin.
- Rusty Vise - Old bench vise mounted on large stump.
- Fireplace Mantel - Skulls decorating area above the fireplace.
- Furniture - Table, benches, and chairs inside cabin area.
- Fireplace - Fireplace situated between two large boulders.
- Roof Support - Interesting construction techniques...
- Boulders, Roof, Posts - Various components of cabin structure.
- Old Stove - Must have been a lot of work hauling this in!
- Interesting Rack - Cabinets, rack, stove, roof, and boulder wall.
- Roof Support Joint - Interesting workmanship went into building cabin.
- Sink - Rock and cement sink and faucets.
- Storage Shed - Small storage shed located near cabin.
- Back of Chimney - Boulders surrounding chimney as seen from behind the cabin.
- Side of Chimney - Chimney and attachment of roof to boulders.
- Gate - There were other gates, but this was very close to cabin.
- Log Structure - Possibly a tent frame for sleeping, hard to say.
- Storage or Jail? - Solid rock and concrete with two locks and very small window.
- Outhouse - Located a respectable distance from the cabin!
- Cabin From Outhouse - Looking towards front of cabin.
- Bell Fence #6 - Someone put a lot of time into the fencing around this cow camp!
Little Dry Meadow (August 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Wintergreen - Pyrola picta of the Heath Family.
- Meadow Area - Located just east of Casa Vieja Meadow.
- Golden Trout - A couple of trail markers along the route.
- Mushroom - Lots of mushrooms growing this summer.
- McConnell Meadow - Turn around point for this thirteen mile hike.
- Sierra Chinquapin - Chrysolepis sempervirens of the Oak Family.
- Little Dry Meadow - Looking north along the meadow area.
- Notched Tree - Classic I sign indicating route of trail.
- Trail Sign - One of three signs at north extreme of Little Dry Meadow.
- Lupine and Fireweed - Downed logs and flowers at Little Dry Meadow.
Big Dry Meadow (July 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Dirty Socks - Hundreds of these blooming near Blackrock Trailhead.
- Casa Vieja #1 - Old cabin on southern side of large meadow area.
- Casa Vieja #2 - Forestry Service cabin on northern side of meadow.
- Lupine - Attractive members of the Pea Family east of Casa Vieja.
- Unnamed Meadow #1 - Meadow area east of Casa Vieja.
- Brewer's Daisy - Large number of daisies growing in unnamed meadow.
- Nevada Bitter Root - Lewisia nevadensis of the Portulacaceae (Purslane Family).
- Trail Sign - Classic I-notch cut into pine tree to mark trail.
- Larkspur - Purple flower and member of the Buttercup Family.
- Warped Trail Sign - Pointing the way to Little Dry Meadow.
- Fireweed - Chamerion angustifolium of the Onagraceae.
- Musk Monkeyflower - Mimulus moschatus of the Phrymaceae.
- Corn Lily - Veratrum californium of the Melanthiaceae (formerly Liliaceae).
- Mushrooms - There were seven of these altogether located in unnamed meadow.
- Bog Orchid - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchid Family.
Stokes Stringer (July 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Horseshoe Meadow - Looking down from Cottonwood Pass.
- Big Whitney - Looking down on Big Whitney Meadow and Stokes Stringer.
- Sawtooth Peak - Probably Sawtooth Peak near Mineral King.
- Stokes Stringer #1 - Peaking through the trees at the meadow.
- Trail to East - Looking back towards Cottonwood Pass.
- Stokes Stringer #2 - Penstemon growing in meadow.
- Whorled Penstemon #1 - Penstemon heterodoxus of the PLANTAGINACEAE.
- Whorled Penstemon #2 - Very abundant at Stokes Stringer.
- Columbine - Aquilegia formosa of the RANUNCULACEAE.
- Meadows - Stokes Stringer and Big Whitney.
Big Pine Creek (July 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Yellow Lily - It's either a tiger or a leopard lily!
- Outhouse - This is the Lon Chaney Outhouse!
- Lon Chaney Cabin - Famous cabin along hiking route.
- Waterfall and Lake - The lakes along the route are numbered. This is the first one.
- Snowy Mountain - Plenty of visible snow on this hike, but very little on trail.
- More Snow - Good amount of snow for July.
- Bog Laurel - Kalmia polifolia of the Heath Family.
- Another Snowy Peak - More snow on this cloudy day.
- Another Lake - Don't recall the number of this lake.
- Mountain and Snow - Lakes, mountains, and snow in every direction!
- Spectacular View - Trees, snow, lake, and mountains.
- Shooting Star - Dodecatheon redolens of the Primrose Family.
- Rosy Sedum - Lots of this plant, especially along the lake shores.
- Big Pine Creek - The creek connecting all the lakes.
- Bog Orchid - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchid Family.
Corral Meadow (July 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pinyon Mariposa #1 - Calochortus bruneaunis of the Lily Family.
- Pinyon Mariposa #2 - These showed up along most of the route of the hike.
- Clover - A bank of clover plants just located a ways below Hooker Meadow.
- Lupine - There were at least four different species of lupine producing flowers in the area.
- Slenderleaf Collomia - Collomia linearis of the Phlox Family.
- More Lupine - Lupine flowers growing at Hooker Meadow.
- Checkerbloom - Lots of this located in all the meadow areas along this route.
- Dirty Socks - Plenty of this plant scattered throughout the meadow areas.
- Indian Paintbrush - Probably Castilleja pilosa, but Castilleja praeterita is quite similar.
- Owl's Claws - Hymenoxys hoopesii of the Sunflower Family at Corral Meadow.
Long Canyon (June 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Nevada Bitter Root - Lots of this in the areas with sufficient moisture.
- Dirty Socks - Plenty of this in the meadow areas.
- Outhouse - Rustic restroom with a view!
- Black Bear - Large mammal hanging around near the cabin.
- Valerian - Large amount of this scattered all around.
- Fritillary - Prominent in the meadows along the hiking route.
- Columbine - Not a lot of this, but a little here and there.
- Scarlet Paintbrush - Castilleja miniata growing next to a creek.
- Primrose Monkeyflower - Mimulus primuloides of the Lopseed Family.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose - These flowers open up in the late afternoon.
Beach Ridge (June 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Snow Plant - Sarcodes sanguinea of the Ericaceae (Heath Family).
- Fritillary - Several plants spotted in a meadow area.
- Decaying Log - Tree downed long ago and partically decomposed.
- Bluebells - Mertensia ciliata of the Borage Family.
- Old Tub - No longer capable of holding water for livestock or wildlife.
- Dirty Tub - This tub was just a few feet away from the previous tub.
- Wax Currant #1 - Lots of bushes full of flowers this time of year.
- Wax Currant #2 - Ribes cereum of the Grossulariaceae (Gooseberry Family).
- Nevada Bitter Root - Lewisia nevadensis of the Portulacaceae (Purslane Family).
- Lupine - Lots of small lupine plants scattered all over the place.
Hooker and Albanita (June 2017)
Quick view of trip pics
- Small Blue Flowers - Not sure what these are. Probably some kind of phacelia.
- Monkeyflower - Small member of the Figwort Family.
- Wild Onion - Lots of this scattered all over the place on this hike.
- Small White Flowers - Most likely a member of the Phlox Family.
- Larkspur - Very plentiful in the meadowy areas along the trail.
- More Larkspur - Attractive member of the Buttercup Family.
- Small Flowers - Mixture of a few different kinds of small flowers.
- Fritillary - Interesting member of the Lily Family.
- Gnarled Tree - Very large tree located just southwest of Hooker Meadow.
- Hooker Meadow - Looking more or less southward from the middle of the meadow.
- Herperochiron - Interesting member of the Borage Family.
- More Herperochiron - Lots of this in the meadow areas, but it's not extremely conspicuous.
- More Fritillary - There was a fair amount of this scattered around, but it doesn't stand out.
- Snow Plant - Unusual member of the Heath Family.
- Even More Herperochiron - Although very small, it is a very attractive plant.
Albanita-Hooker-Corral (June 2016)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pink Flowers - Lots of these flowers were observed near the Hooker Trailhead.
- Columbine - A small colony was spotted along Hooker Creek.
- Narrowleaf Onion - Clusters of flowers perched atop a narrow stem.
- Hooker Meadow - Green grass in mid-June will probably soon turn brown.
- Blue Eyed Mary - Large colony of attractive, but very small flowers.
- Primrose Monkeyflower #1 - Lots of this observed in Albanita Meadows.
- Primrose Monkeyflower #2 - Mimulus primuloides of the Lopseed Family.
- Kern Frasera - Frasera tubulosa of the Gentian Family.
- California Herperochiron #1 - Attractive flowers hidden beneath taller plants in meadow area.
- Old Trail Sign - Many old signs on ground in this area.
- Sierra Beardtongue - Penstemon heterodoxus of the Plantain Family.
- Pussypaws - Calyptridium umbellatum of the Purslane Family.
- Pine Lousewort - Pedicularis semibarbata of the Broomrape Family.
- White Flowers - Probably a species of Leptosiphon.
- Porterella - Lots of this in Albanita Meadows.
- New Signs - Fresh replacement signs to replace worn out old ones.
- Corral Meadow - Looking fresh and green early in the summer.
- Sierra Onion - Allium campanulatum of the Lily Family.
- Harlequin Monkeyflower - Very common throughout the area.
- Larkspur - Lots of larkspur scattered around throughout the area.
- Flower Bud - Not quite blooming just yet.
- California Herperochiron #2 - Hesperochiron californicus of the Borage Family.
- Jackass Peak - Albanita Meadow looking towards local landmark.
- Nevada Bitter Root - Interesting member of the Montia Family.
- Snow Plant - Interesting member of the Heath Family.
Long Canyon (August 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Long Canyon #1 - About a mile up the actual canyon.
- Gentian #1 - Gentian flowers continue to bloom through September.
- Long Canyon #2 - About two miles up the canyon at just over 9100 feet.
- Gentian #2 - A small gentian colony growing in boggy area near several seeps.
- Cabin #1 - Cabin located about one and a half miles up canyon.
- Cabin #2 - This cabin is about 6.5 miles from Blackrock Trailhead.
- Cabin #3 - Cabin not seen on the way up canyon since it's not visible from the trail.
- Other Cabin - Located at the bottom of Long Canyon about five miles from the trailhead.
- Kern Peak - Looking northwest from ridge above trail.
- Casa Vieja Meadow - Some cows grazing near forest service cabin.
Kern Peak (August 2015)
Map of Hike
Quick view of trip pics
- Bullfrog Meadows - This is the only cow I saw on the entire trip.
- Livestock Gate - Barbed wire fence to keep livestock from wandering.
- Coulter's Daisy - Growing along stringer which drops down to Tunnel Meadows.
- Columbine - A close look at this interesting little flower.
- Fireweed - Also known as Great Willowherb and a member of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Tiger Lily - Many plants encountered along a couple different stringers on this hike.
- Rustic Campsite - An old campsite located a short distance from Tunnel Meadows.
- Old Corral - An old corral located in the trees next to Tunnel Meadows.
- Water Tower - The remains of an old water tower at the bottom of Tunnel Meadows.
- Forest Service Cabin - A reasonably well-maintained cabin near the water tower.
- Trail Signs - All sorts of interesting places to visit.
- Ramshaw Meadows - Dropping into Ramshaw Meadows on a cloudy and smokey day.
- Gentain - Different species of this small meadow plant encountered along course of hike.
- Kern Peak #1 - Remains of the floor of an old fire lookout tower.
- Kern Peak #2 - The roof blew off, but it didn't go too far.
- Kern Peak #3 - Old stove just sort of fell through the floor.
- Matted Lupine - This plant showed up many times along hiking route.
- Kern Peak #4 - Looking up at the remains of the lookout tower at top of peak.
- Dirty Socks - Also known as American Bistort and Mountain Meadow Knotweed.
- Baneberry - Attractive, but poisonous, berries growing alongside the Kern Peak Stringer.
- Elephant's Head - Encountered a few times, always in areas with plenty of moisture.
- Ramshaw Meadows Abronia #1 - Grows in Ramshaw and Templeton Meadows and nowhere else.
- Ramshaw Meadows Abronia #2 - Relatively abundant around the edges of Ramshaw Meadows.
- Kern Peak #5 - The peak as seen from the extreme eastern end of Ramshaw Meadows.
- Trail Peak - Civilization lies on the eastern side of this peak!
Mount Langley (July 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Cirque Peak - The 12,900 foot peak as seen from Cottonwood Basin.
- Mount Langley - The 14,026 foot peak as seen from Cottonwood Basin.
- Marmot - Lots of marmots throughout the area!
- Campsite - I set my tent up under a large foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana).
- Army Pass - This is the old Army Pass, New Army Pass is not far away.
- Cairns #1 - A couple cairns set up to mark the route up Langley.
- Sky Pilot - Not quite prevalent, but somewhat plentiful above 13,000 feet.
- Cairns #2 - Another cairn along the path to the top of the mountain.
- Looking North - Somewhere in there is Mount Whitney as well as other notable peaks.
- Miter Basin - The large lake to the left is Sky-Blue Lake.
- Olancha Peak - Looking south from the top of Mount Langley.
- Tuttle Creek - Looking down and to the east from the top of the peak.
- Yours Truly - That would be me sitting at the top of Mount Langley.
- Cirque and Olancha - Another view to the south from 14,026 feet.
- Cairns #3 - These cairns were built to standardize the route and to eliminate redundant trails.
- Cairns #4 - Looking down into the Rock Creek Drainage.
- Alpine Hulsea - Attractive member of the Sunflower Family growing above 13,000 feet.
- Cottonwood Lake #5 - Looking down on the lake by which I camped the previous night.
- Swamp Onion - Allium validum of the Alliaceae (aka, Onion Family)
- Corn Lily - Veratrum californium of the Melanthiaceae (formerly Liliaceae).
Cirque Peak (July 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Langley - Looking toward Mount Langley hidden in the clouds from Cirque Peak.
- Cottonwood Lakes - Looking down on Cottonwood Lakes from Cirque Peak (12,900').
- Peak Register - The top of what was probably the old register tied to a bottle.
- Big Whitney Meadow - Looking down on large meadow area from below peak.
- Chicken Spring Lake - Small lake just off the PCT near Cottonwood Pass.
- Rock Groundsel - Senecio fremontii of the Sunflower Family.
- Bedstraw - Interesting member of the Rubiaceae (Madder Family).
- Owl's Claws - Attractive member of the Sunflower Family.
- Pennyroyal - Fragrant member of the Mint Family.
- Evening Primrose - Closed at midday, but opening late in the day.
Olancha Peak (July 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Old Cabins - A couple old cabins at the trailhead used for this hike.
- Olancha Peak #1 - Looking up at the peak from the trailhead.
- Olancha Peak #2 - View of the peak from the Pacific Crest Trail.
- Olancha Peak #3 - Looking straight up at peak from trail.
- Columbine #1 - Columbine flower in rocks a few hundred feet below peak.
- Columbine #2 - There were a lot of plants browing in gaps between rocks.
- Summit - The top of the mountain looking south.
- Haiwee Reservoir - Looking down into Owens Valley from peak.
- Monache Meadow - Looking down towards the southwest from peak.
- Lupine - Several meadow areas along the PCT contained lots of flowers.
- Soda Straw - Attractive member of the Carrot Family.
- Larkspur #1 - More attractive flowers growing in meadow areas.
- Larkspur #2 - Attractive member of the Buttercup Family.
- Bluebells #1 - Mertensia ciliata of the Borage Family.
- Bluebells #2 - Apparently bluebells can be white!
McGee Creek (July 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Hail Trail #1 - Trail covered with rapidly accumulating hail.
- Hail Trail #2 - Stone steps covered with more white stuff.
- More Hail - Hail looks a lot like snow when it piles up.
- Eight Miles #1 - Trail eight miles from trailhead at 11,180 feet.
- Eight Miles #2 - Looking up towards McGee Pass from just above Little McGee Lake.
- Columbine #1 - Flower protected under rock from the hail.
- Columbine #2 - This flower was out in the open and got a little bit battered by the hail.
- McGee Lake - Looking back towards McGee Lake from just above Little McGee Lake.
- Columbine #3 - An entire plant surrounded by white stuff and rocks.
- Paintbrush - Some paintbrush, alpine laurel, and small hailstones.
- Alpine Laurel - Alpine laurel, some kind of monocot, and hailstones.
- Meadow Area - A meadow near McGee Lake with overcast skies in the background.
- Mule Ears - A slightly tattered flower and more hailstones.
- Snowy Bridge - It's hard to tell the difference between hailstones and snowflakes from a distance.
- Lower Canyon - Looking up the canyon late in the day with fresh white stuff on peaks.
Corral Meadows (June 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Bear #1 - Bear encountered a short distance east of South Sierra Wilderness boundary.
- Penstemon - Small flowers, most likely whorled penstemon.
- Corral Meadows - Looking south from water trough.
- Mimulus - Small flowers encountered encountered on ridge west of Corral Meadows.
- Indian Paintbrush - Colorful member of the Figwort Family.
- Interesting Grass - Most likely a member of the Carex genus.
- Plantainleaf Buttercup - Attractive member of the Ranunculaceae.
- Ceanothus - Close look at tiny, light-blue flowers.
- Milkweed - This appears to be a milkweed plant getting ready to produce flowers.
- Bear #2 - Encountered after hike while driving a short distance from trailhead.
Kennedy Meadows (May 2015)
Quick view of trip pics
- Cloudy Day - Clouds, trees, and peaks as seen along PCT north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Meadow Area #1 - Approximately five miles north from trailhead at about 7000 feet.
- Meadow Area #2 - Same meadow as seen from a quarter mile west of PCT.
- Ceanothus - Cluster of small white flowers produced by this common bush.
- Indian Paintbrush - Not a lot of flowers on this hike, but there were a few.
- Wallflower - Attractive member of the Mustard Family.
- Lupine - Attractive member of the Pea Family.
- Phacelia - Attractive member of the Borage Family.
- Bridge Crossing - Bridge located on PCT about two miles north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Kern River - Resting on bank of river near bridge.
Beach Meadows Loop (September 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Osa Sign - One of many helpful signs on the dirt roads between Osa and Beach Meadows.
- Kern Peak - Kern Peak and Indian Head Rock as seen from Manzanita Knob.
- Jordan Hot Springs - Looking down on the hot springs from Manzanita Knob.
- Osa Meadow #1 - Looking across the dried out meadow.
- Osa Meadow #2 - Nice trees surrounding meadow area.
- Little Horse Meadow #1 - Another meadow dried out at the end of summer.
- Little Horse Meadow #2 - Three years of drought doesn't help either!
- Little Horse Meadow #3 - Nice trees around this meadow also.
- Snow Pole - It was getting late in the day when I arrived at Beach Meadows.
- Beach Meadow - Sign near horse camp at edge of meadow area.
- Beach Meadow Horses - Horses grazing in meadow area.
- Cabin Sign - Beach Meadow Cabin established in 1910.
- Beach Meadow Cabin #1 - Not exactly a very large or roomy cabin!
- Horses Grazing - Another look at the horses munching on the grass.
- Beach Meadow Cabin #2 - A look at the cabin from another angle.
Broder Meadow Loop (August 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Broder Cows - Looking down Broder Meadow towards Olancha Peak.
- Storage Locker - Pile of rocks arranged with storage area in middle.
- Broder Meadow - Looking up Broder Meadow. The little dots are cows.
- Bottom of Broder - Signs located near the mouth of the canyon.
- Unnamed Drainage #1 - Looking up drainage between Beck and Broder.
- Unnamed Drainage #2 - Looking down drainage between Beck and Broder.
- Barbed Wire - Located at crest between unnamed drainage and Lost Meadow.
- Waterhole #3 - Rock lined spring named after movie from 1967.
- Finger Rock - Cows in Lost Meadow with Finger Rock towering behind them.
- Aqua Bonita - Cows hanging out at Albanita Meadow.
Brown Cow Camp (August 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Templeton - Templeton Mountain from Strawberry Meadows.
- Olancha - Olancha Peak shrouded in clouds.
- Kern River - The South Fork of the Kern River to be more precise!
- Brown Meadow - Olancha Peak covered with clouds again.
- Brown Cow Camp #1 - View of cluster of buildings from the north.
- Brown Cow Camp #2 - A closer look at a couple of buildings.
- Brown Cow Camp #3 - Old outhouse now used for storage.
- Brown Cow Camp #4 - Main building with window covers mostly in place.
- Trail Sign - Sign along trail on south boundary of wilderness area.
- Ranger Cabin - Cabin in use at northeast corner of Monache Meadows.
Hooker and Lost Meadows (July 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Hooker Trough - Empty water basin at Hooker Meadow.
- Olancha Peak - Looking northeast from Lost Meadow.
- Finger Rock - Ridge south of Lost Meadow.
- Butterfly - Orange insect in grassy area.
- Lost Meadow - The tree actually has a sign on it, but it is lost in the shadow.
- Cinquefoil - Member of the rose family growing out of crack in rock.
- Rusty Metal Box - Probably a stove from an old cowboy camp by Hooker Meadow.
- Cow Herd - Group of cows grazing at Hooker Meadow.
- Trail Sign #1 - A trail indicator spray-painted on rock.
- Yarrow - A bee collecting pollen from yarrow flower.
- Horkelia - This plant was prevalent throughout the area.
- Interesting Boulder - Lots of interesting boulders around both meadows.
*** One Week Later ***
- More Cattle - Bunch of cows at Lost Meadow on a very rainy day.
- Trail Sign #2 - Pointing way to Beck Meadow from bottom of Lost Meadow.
- Albanita Spring - Wooden fence around small spring.
*** Another Week Later ***
- Waterhole #3 - Spring at the lower end of Lost Meadow.
- Crag Peak - Looking up at Crag Peak from upper end of Beck Meadow.
- Cows #1 - A bunch of cows near trail as it leaves Lost and drops down to Beck.
- Water Trough - Located near a spring in the upper portion of Beck Meadow.
- Cows #2 - More cows, this time in Beck Meadow.
Corral Meadow (July 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Albanita Trail - Old trail sign falling apart.
- Lost Meadow Trail - Another trail sign only this one is in better shape.
- Checkerbloom - Several parts of Albanita Meadow had lots of this plant.
- Lupine - This plant was abundant throughout most of the hike.
- Corral #1 - North end of Corral Meadow near spring.
- Salsify - Close look at seed head of salsify plant.
- Corn Lily - There were a few patches of this plant along route.
- Corral #2 - View towards Finger Rock from north end of meadow.
- Collomia - Tiny pink flowers of Collomia linearis.
- Bear #1 - Actually there was a baby bear also, but not caught in image.
- Water Troughs - Located in drainage east of Corral Meadow.
- Wild Rose - Plenty of wild rose flowers along route.
- Corral #3 - Lower (south) end of Corral Meadow.
- Bear #2 - This was actually the fourth bear I saw on this hike.
- Bear #3 - Last three bears were about a half mile apart along Albanita Meadow.
Mulkey Creek (July 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Horses - A couple horses grazing at Mulkey Cow Camp.
- Corral - A corral at the cow camp.
- Cabin - The cabin at Mulkey Cow Camp.
- Pink Elephant Heads #1 - A couple members of a small colony near the cow camp.
- Meadow and Peaks - Meadow area below the cow camp.
- Mulkey Creek #1 - Looking across meadow about a mile below the cow camp.
- Mulkey Creek #2 - Upper portion of creek area just west of the PCT.
- Kern Frasera - Lots of this plant all over the area.
- Public Corral - Corral east of PCT on alternate route bypassing Mulkey Pass.
- Pink Elephant Heads #2 - Growing by creek near public corral.
Smith Mountain (June 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Penstemon - A couple different species of penstemon were quite prevalent.
- Scarlet Gilia - Patches of this were all over the place!
- Pink Alumroot - Lots of this on both Jackass Peak and Smith Mountain.
- Granite Gilia #1 - Up around the peaks there was plenty of this.
- Granite Gilia #2 - Available in both white and pink!
- Mountain Pride - Plenty of this on both Smith and Jackass.
- Smith Mountain - Looking south from the summit of Smith Mountain.
- Smith Monolith - Large rock formation located on north slope of mountain.
- Mother Bear - I wasn't fast enough to get the cub!
- Aqua Bonita - Spring located in Albanita Meadow.
- Porterella - Found growing in a dried up vernal pool.
- Rock Dome - Peak east of Albanita Meadow.
- Mimulus - Brightly colored Monkey Flowers.
- Broder Meadow - Looking down from ridge towards Monache and Olancha Peaks.
- Tarweed - Otherwise known as Madia elegans of the Sunflower Family.
Chicken Spring Lake (June 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Chicken Spring Lake - Located just west of Cottonwood Pass at an elevation of 11,242 feet.
- Cottonwood View - Looking east from Cottonwood Pass towards Horseshoe Meadow.
- Alpine Penstemon - Penstemon davidsonii of the Plantaginaceae (formerly Scrophulariaceae).
- Snow Plant - A close look at this attractive parasite!
- Pink Elephant Heads - A flower cluster in formation.
- White Violet #1 - Also known as MacLoskey's Violet.
- White Violet #2 - Another look at this small, white flower.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose #1 - Rather attractive yellow flowers.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose #2 - Flowers seem disproportionately large compared to plants.
- Wood Fruit Evening Primrose #3 - Another look at this impressive flower.
Long Canyon (June 2014)
Quick view of trip pics
- Long Canyon Meadow - Stream cutting through grassy meadow.
- Long Cabin - Backside of old and weathered log cabin.
- Stone Building - Small stone shack behind main cabin.
- Front of Cabin - Looking at porch area and front yard.
- Trail Sign - Trail heading east from cabin.
- Snow Plant - Interesting parasitic member of the Heath Family.
- Pine Lousewort - Interesting plant common in this area.
- Sign on Tree - This was the approximate turn around point for this hike.
- Creek Crossing - Trail crossing creek in Long Canyon.
- Shooting Star - Frequently encountered near water along this route.
- Pussypaws - Interesting member of the Purslane Family.
- Dirty Socks - Commonly found in meadow areas in this area.
- Wild Strawberry - Lots of flowers under shade of trees.
- Casa Vieja Meadow - Looking southeast towards main meadow.
- Water Buttercup - Aquatic plant growing in stream at Casa Vieja Meadow.
Two Army Loop (September 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Metal Shack - Structure located by one of the Cottonwood Lakes.
- Gentian - Most likely Mountain Bog Gentian.
- Lake Five - Looking up towards Army Pass.
- Army Pass #1 - The trail from Lake Five towards the pass.
- Army Pass #2 - Section of trail near top of pass.
- Lake View - Looking down on Cottonwood Lakes from top of pass.
- Army Pass #3 - Sign at top of Army Pass.
- View to West - Looking westward from Army Pass.
- New Army Pass #1 - Sign at top of New Army Pass.
- String of Lakes - Looking down to the east from New Army Pass.
- New Army Pass #2 - Looking towards Mount Langley.
- High Lake - View across lake towards rock wall.
- Stunted Pines - There's actually a deer in the center of this image.
- Long Lake - Located between High Lake and South Fork Lakes.
- Langley View - Looking northwest across meadow towards Langley.
North Monache (September 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Corral - Located near northeast corner of Monache Meadows.
- Cabins - These cabins are located right next to the corral in the previous image.
- Summit Meadow - This meadow sits at 9200 feet and is just west of Olancha Pass.
- Cowboy Camp - Fire ring and picnic table near Summit Meadow.
- Another Corral - This one is right next to Summit Meadow.
- Trail Junction - Sign pointing the way to two possible destinations.
- Trail Sign - Another trail sign at another trail junction.
- PCT Marker - The PCT is rather confusing in this area and this marker helps a bit.
- Olancha Peak - Over four thousand feet above Monache Meadows.
- Monache Dam #1 - This dam is located just north of Monache Meadows.
- Monache Dam #2 - There are some great campsites about a mile below the dam.
- American Brooklime - Neat plants growing just below the dam's outlet.
- Monache Dam #3 - Notice extra wall just upstream from dam.
- Monache Dam #4 - Looking down on the dam from the north.
- Monache Dam #5 - The sun was at a really bad angle!
Bishop Pass (August 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Mount Agassiz - Peak immediately south of the pass.
- Western View - Looking northwest from the pass.
- Bishop Pass - Sign located as trail passes over the pass.
- String of Lakes - Lakes east of the pass.
- Eastern View - Looking east towards the valley down below.
- Jigsaw Pass - Aperture Peak and Jigsaw Pass to the southeast of the pass.
- Trail View - A section of the trail weaving through the lakes east of the pass.
- Baneberry - Colorful red berries growing next to trail.
- Primrose Monkeyflower - Small, yellow members of the Buttercup Family.
- South Lake - Lake by trailhead seems a little drained.
Sherman Pass Loop (August 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Olancha Peak - Looking across the Kern Plateau from Sherman Pass.
- Bush Chinquapin - Highly prevalent shrub throughout the area.
- Sherman Peak Trail #1 - Sign at the Sherman Peak end of the trail.
- Windy Road - Looking down on highway winding up to the pass.
- Trail Sign - Sign on the north side of the peak.
- Sherman Peak - Equipment and structures on top of peak (9909 feet).
- Flowers! - Attactive members of the Sunflower Family.
- Burnt Trees - Area recovering from a relatively recent forest fire.
- Corral Meadow #1 - Sign along the trail identifying meadow by name.
- Corral Meadow #2 - Another look at scenic meadow.
- Sherman Pass Trail #1 - Sign on south side of highway and east of pass.
- Creek Crossing - Steps taken to mitigate damage caused by motorcycles.
- Sherman Pass Trail #2 - Another section of the trail leading back up to the pass.
- Sherman Pass - Elevation marker reading 9200 feet located at pass.
- Sherman Peak Trail #2 - Sign located across from parking area at Sherman Pass.
Beer Keg Meadow (August 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Owl's Claws - Attractive, yellow, daisy-like flower in the Sunflower Family.
- Casa Vieja #1 - Cows grazing on large meadow area.
- Casa Vieja #2 - Another group of cows close to the trail.
- Willow-Herb - Interesting member of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Wintergreen - Pyrola picta of the Heath Family.
- Richardson's Geranium - Attractive flower belonging to the Geranium Family.
- White Hedge Nettle - Lots of this plant growing near streams.
- Monkshood - Purple flower and member of the Buttercup Family.
- Sneezeweed - Somewhat spectacular member of the Sunflower Family.
- Beer Keg Meadow #1 - Upper portion of the meadow area.
- Beer Keg Meadow #2 - Some sneezeweed growing along small creek.
- Long Canyon - Looking towards bottom portion of Long Canyon.
- Trail Signs - Intersection between Redrock, Casa Vieja, and Long Canyon.
- Creek Crossing - Small creek with trail on opposite side.
- Shady Trail - Section of trail passing through pine forest.
Deer Mountain (July 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Water Tank - Constantly dripping tank along route to Monache Jeep Trail.
- Deer Island - South Fork of the Kern River, Deer Island, and Monache Peak.
- Stock Bridge - Old bridge crossing Kern River at southeast corner of Monache Meadows.
- Upside Down Sign - Sign located near stock bridge along Pacific Crest Trail.
- Cows - Lots of cows scattered all around the Monache Meadows area.
- Olancha Peak - Looking northward from just north of Dutch John Flat.
- Haiwee Pass - Looking towards Haiwee Pass from the proximity of Dutch John Flat.
- Deer Mountain Trail - Sign at Dutch John Flat at south end of Deer Mountain Trail.
- Picnic Table - Rickety old picnic table at Dutch John Flat.
- Trail Sign - Sign at Dutch John Flat listing various destinations.
- Grassy Meadow - Meadow at 8600 feet located just south of Deer Mountain.
- Cowboy Camp #1 - Old camp area adjacent to meadow area.
- Cowboy Camp #2 - Old tools leaning against tree at old campsite.
- Cowboy Camp #3 - Whisk broom hanging from tree at camping spot.
- Owl's Claws - Bright yellow flowers of this member of the Sunflower Family.
- PCT Sign - Look out for naked hippies! LOL
- Old Trail Sign - This sign is located along the PCT south of Monache Meadows.
- New Trail Sign - Another sign located along the PCT.
- Monache Mountain - Large doom and meadows as seen through haze.
- Beck Meadow - Ranch buildings located at south end of Monache Meadows.
Mulkey South (July 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Templeton and Kern - Looking southwest from Pacific Crest Trail at 10,500 feet.
- Templeton #1 - Tree-covered volcanic cone near Olancha Peak.
- Olancha Peak - Looking south towards this rather prominent peak.
- Templeton and Brown - Looking southwest with towards Brown Mountain.
- Shaggy Hawkweek - Interesting member of the Sunflower Family.
- Mountain Pride - Tubular flowers of this member of the Figwort Family.
- Mountain Spray - Also known as Creambush and a member of the Rose Family.
- Buckskin Keckiella - Interesting flowers belonging to another member of the Figwort Family.
- Mountain Ridge - Ridge located just west of the PCT.
- Large Conifers - Lots of big trees all along the trail.
- Sharknose Ridge - Prominent ridge just west of the PCT.
- Trail and Trees - Section of trail cutting through a coniferous forest.
- More Trees - Lots of large conifers along this route.
- Distant Peak - Great scenery in this area!
- Templeton #2 - Another look at this volcanic cone.
Monache Meadows (July 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Snow Plant - Lots of these scattered around and starting to wither.
- Helicopter - It contained several people and it was extremely loud!
- Cows Grazing - Just a bunch of cows munching on the grass near Kingfisher Ridge.
- Olancha Peak #1 - View of peak with some old buildings in foreground.
- Olancha Peak #2 - Another view of peak with meadow area in the foreground.
- Cabins - Some cabins at Bakeover Meadow and near Olivas Spring.
- Arnica - Attractive yellow, daisy-like flower in the Sunflower Family.
- Corn Lily - Member of the Lily Family growing by creek.
- Leopard Lily - Lilium pardalinum of the Lily Family.
- Horses Grazing - Horse munching on grass at Bakeover Meadow.
- Mimulus - Colorful little flowers growing just east of Monache Meadows.
- Olancha Peak #3 - View of the peak from the southwest with cows in foreground.
- Lupine - Lots of lupine in bloom all around the meadows.
- Monache Peak - Symmetrical volcanic dome rising 1500 feet above meadows.
- Deer - A couple deer hanging out on west side of Monache Meadows.
Kennedy Meadows (June 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- River Crossing #1 - Bridge located about a mile north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Hedge Nettle #1 - Close look at the flowers of Stachys albens.
- Hedge Nettle #2 - As you can see, this plant is rather fuzzy!
- Hedge Nettle #3 - This plant is a member of the Mint Family.
- Broad-Leaved Lotus #1 - Interesting pods on this member of the Pea Family.
- Broad-Leaved Lotus #2 - This plant is also known as Big Deervetch and Buck Lotus.
- Nightshade - Solanum xantii of the Solanaceae, to be more precise!
- Chapparel Lotus - Another interesting member of the Pea Family.
- Gilia - Attractive member of the Phlox Family.
- Beardtongue - Interesting member of the genus Penstemon.
- Clover Meadow - Located along the Pacific Crest Trail about five miles north of Kennedy Meadows.
- Golden Eardrops - The seeds of this plant will not germinate unless exposed to fire.
- Giant Woollystar - Another attractive member of the Phlox Family!
- Rothrock's Nama #1 - Several large colonies of this plant along the trail.
- Rothrock's Nama #2 - Interesting inflorescence to say the least!
- American Brooklime - Aquatic plant growing where trail crosses a small stream.
- Fremontia - Several of these bushes were scattered around the area.
- River Crossing #2 - Same bridge as earlier, just later in the day and from the opposite side.
- Showy Milkweed - Said to be a favorite food of monarch butterflies.
- Lizard - Many lizards were out and about on this rather warm day.
Cirque Lake (June 2013)
Quick view of trip pics
- Shooting Stars #1 - A group of shooting star plants by the side of a stream.
- Peaceful Meadow - Beautiful meadow surrounded by stately pines and granite peaks.
- Cabin - A rather short cabin located by the trail.
- Columbine - Scarlet and yellow flower by the stream.
- Shooting Stars #2 - More shooting stars plants. They were quite plentiful.
- Plaintainleaf Buttercup - There was a lot of this scattered around the meadows.
- Gooseberry - Gooseberry bushes were scattered around beneath the trees.
- Lupine - This tiny lupine was all over the place!
- Marmot - Several marmots scurried around here and there along the trail.
- Wallflower - This plant was fairly prevalent throughout the hike.
- Langley #1 - Mount Langley towering in the background with lake in the foreground.
- Langley #2 - A closer look at Mount Langley (elevation 14,042 feet).
- Clubmoss Mousetail - Another plant that was plentiful in meadow areas.
- Dragonfly - A close look at a shiny black and gray dragonfly.
- Cirque Lake #1 - Looking north from the south side of the lake (elevation 11,100 feet).
- Shooting Stars #3 - A small portion of a large colony of shooting stars at Cirque Lake.
- Sierra Primrose - A few members of a large group of this pink flower growing at Cirque Lake.
- Cirque Lake #2 - Looking south from the north side of the lake.
- More Buttercup - Another look at the leaves and flowers produced by this plant.
- Sandwort - Small plant growing on ridge between Cirque Lake and South Fork Lakes.
- More Sandwort - More sandwort growing in the same general location.
- Langley #3 - Another view of Mount Langley towering to the north.
- Primrose Monkey Flower - These flowers were growing by the trail near South Fork Lakes.
- Penstemon - These tubular, purple flowers were scattered around throughout the hike.
- Rosy Pussytoes - Also called Rosy Everlasting.
Virginia Lakes (September 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trail Sign #1 - This intersection marked the beginning and end of loop portion of hike.
- Lupine - Attractive member of Pea Family scattered around throughout hike.
- Summit Lake - Picture taken from the Yosemite side of the sign.
- Currant - Lots of currant berries encountered throughout twenty-mile loop.
- Trail Sign #2 - The 'P' might be a little hard to see! LOL
- Return Creek #1 - Looking north up Return Creek drainage.
- Return Creek #2 - Looking south towards Shepherd Crest.
- Virginia Pass - No maintained trail leads to this sign, which makes the existence of the sign slightly unusual.
- Glines Canyon - Looking down Glines Canyon from below Virginia Pass towards Green Lake.
- Monkey Flower - One of numerous monkey flowers encountered in Glines Canyon.
- Glines Canyon Cabin - Remains of cabin about a half mile or so above Green Lake.
- Rusty Machinery - Remains of some kind of machinery a little ways below cabin.
- Upper Hoover Lake #1 - The upper of the two Hoover Lakes.
- False Solomon's Seal - Former member of the Lily Family, now included in the Mayflower Family.
- Upper Hoover Lake #2 - Mountains to the west of the upper of the pair of lakes.
- Hoover Lakes - Looking down on the Hoover Lakes from near Trail Sign #1.
- Virginia Lakes - Looking east toward Virginia Lakes from unnamed pass (11,120').
- Virginia Cabin #1 - Not sure if this cabin has an actual name.
- Virginia Cabin #2 - Leaning cabin propped up by logs.
- Pennyroyal - Aromatic member of the Mint Family.
Pine Creek Pass (August 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Pass View - View to the west from Pine Creek Pass.
- Pass Sign - Difficult to read it says, "Pine Creek Pass, Elev 11,160 FT."
- Pass Trail - Looking to the east from the pass.
- Stock Gate - Makeshift stock gate just east of the pass.
- Alpine Gentian - Gentiana newberryi of the Gentian Family.
- Cinquefoil - A member of the genus Potentilla of the Rose Family.
- Trail Sign - Sign at intersection along Pine Creek Pass Trail.
- Creek Crossing - Stones lined up to help hikers across the creek.
- Upper Pine Lake - Looking up from lake towards Pine Creek Pass.
- Log Crossing - Log bridge across creek.
- Pine Lake - Looking westward from Pine Lake.
- Giant Blazing Star - Mentzelia laevicaulis of the Loasa Family.
- Pine Creek Mill #1 - Mining operation near trailhead.
- Grass of Parnassus - Parnassia californica of the Saxifrage Family.
- Baneberry - Actaea rubra of the Buttercup Family.
- Small White Flower - Probably a member of the Mustard Family.
- Seed Pods - Seed pods splitting and curling.
- Pine Creek Mill #2 - Another look at mill and at road leading to Morgan Pass.
- Mill Buildings - A closer look a buildings at millsite.
- Owens Valley - Looking across the Owens Valley just north of Bishop.
Rush Creek (August 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- First Saddle - Trail on way to first saddle above Silver Lake.
- Railcar - Worker on railcar below Agnew Lake.
- Horses and Donkeys - Pack train on return trip after dropping sand bags off at Waugh Lake.
- Above Agnew - Looking up at Gem Lake Dam from near Agnew Lake.
- Trail Sign - Intersection along way to Waugh Lake.
- Western Snakeroot - Ageratina occidentalis of the Sunflower Family.
- Grass of Parnassus - Parnassia californica of the Saxifrage Family.
- Waugh Bridge - Bridge just below Waugh Lake crossing creek toward Weber Lake.
- Waugh Dam - Waugh Lake is situated at an elevation of 9442 feet.
- Waugh Lake - Some boulders just off the shore near the trail.
- Deer - A local resident of the Waugh Lake area.
- Creek Crossing - Log bridge crossing Rush Creek above Waugh Lake.
- Banner-Ritter #1 - Famous peaks as seen from small lake at Island Pass (10,205 feet).
- Alpine Gentian #1 - Gentiana newberryi of the Gentian Family.
- Banner-Ritter #2 - Banner Peak (12,936 feet) above Thousand Island Lake (9833 feet).
- Banner-Ritter #3 - Ritter is not actually visible in this or previous image.
- Outlet Bridge - Bridge just below outlet of Thousand Island Lake.
- Alpine Gentian #2 - This flower was highly prevalent in meadow areas.
- Banner-Ritter #4 - Ritter Peak (13,143 feet) visible from Garnet Lake (9678 feet).
- Mountain Bog Gentian #1 - Gentiana calycosa of the Gentian Family.
- Mountain Bog Gentian #2 - This plant was especially prevalent around Garnet Lake.
- Mountain Bog Gentian #3 - Also known as Explorer's Gentian.
- Garnet Lake - Although Ritter appears shorter, it's the taller of the two peaks!
- Garnet Bridge - Goats crossing outlet at Garnet Lake.
- Garnet Outlet - Garnet Lake, bridge, outlet, and famous peaks all in one shot!
- Goats - Goats with packs on making way down trails.
- Agnew Pass - View from North Agnew Pass (9980 feet).
- Unnamed Lake - Small lake directly north of North Agnew Pass.
- Banner-Ritter #5 - Famous peaks from North Agnew Pass with sliver of Thousand Island Lake visible.
- Lake Near Agnew Pass - This is the largest of a cluster of lakes located near the two Agnew Passes.
Mono Pass (August 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Lone Horseman - A couple pack animals and a rider descending west side of Mono Pass.
- Summit Lake - A rather large pond located just below Mono Pass.
- Alpine Gentian #1 - Gentiana newberryi of the Gentian Family.
- Alpine Gentian #2 - Look for the green freckles on the inside surface of the petals.
- Mono Pass - Looking down the Owen's Valley side of the pass.
- Mountains - Probably Mills, Abbot, and Dade.
- Alpine Columbine - Aquilegia pubescens of the Buttercup Family.
- Prominent Peak - Most likely one of the previously mentioned peaks.
- Ruby Lake - Lake below east side of Mono Pass and some prominent peaks.
- More Peaks - Another look at snow, peaks, and clouds.
- Lobb's Buckwheat #1 - Eriogonum lobbii of the Buckwheat Family.
- Lobb's Buckwheat #2 - Horizontal stems place flower clusters on ground.
- Ruby Lake Shore - The outlet of lake situated at 11000 feet.
- Monkeyflower - Member of the Snapdragon Family.
- More Lakes - Some small lakes located along the trail to Morgan Pass.
Kearsarge Pass (July 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Kearsarge Lakes - Lakes just west of the pass, including Bullfrog Lake.
- Chipmunk #1 - Rodent scurrying around the rocks at Kearsarge Pass.
- Kearsarge Pass - Sign at top of pass. Much smaller than previous sign.
- Sierra Primrose #1 - Primula suffretescens of the Primrose Family.
- Big Pothole Lake - Located just east of the pass.
- Sierra Primrose #2 - This flower was quite abundant along the trail near the pass.
- Mountain Pride - Penstemon newberryi of the Snapdragon Family.
- Applegate's Paintbrush - Castilleja applegatei of the Snapdragon Family.
- Flower Lake - View of shoreline at lake located near the trail.
- Shooting Star #1 - Dodecatheon jeffreyi of the Primrose Family.
- Sierra Bog Orchid - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchidaceae.
- Columbine #1 - Aquilegia formosa of the Buttercup Family.
- Columbine #2 - More crimson columbine flower.
- Shooting Star #2 - This plant was abundant throughout most of the hike.
- Waterfall - This cascading stream empties into Little Pothole Lake.
- Chipmunk #2 - This little critter was hanging out next to Little Pothole Lake.
- Sneezeweed #1 - Bigelow's Sneezeweed - Helenium bigelovii of the Sunflower Family.
- Sneezeweed #2 - Only a couple patches of these plants were found near the trail.
- Tiger Lily #1 - Lilium kellyanum of the Lily Family.
- Tiger Lily #2 - These plants were encountered only in a couple places along the trail.
Mulky/Cottonwood Passes (June 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Larkspur - Delphinium glaucum of the Buttercup Family.
- Monkeyflower - Probably Mimulus primuloides of the Figwort (aka Snapdragon) Family.
- Shooting Star - Dodecatheon rodolens of the Primrose Family.
- Looking North - View north along trail toward basin containing Chicken Springs Lake.
- Tiny Lupine - Tiny member of the Pea Family.
- Penstemon - Appears to be Penstemon davidsonii of the Figwort Family.
- Cottonwood View - View of Horseshoe Meadows from Cottonwood Pass.
- Bull Elephant's Head #1 - Pedicularis groenlandica of the Broomrape Family.
- Bull Elephant's Head #2 - May also be listed as a member of the Figwort Family.
- Creek Crossing - Rocks situated to facilitate crossing of creek.
- Log Cabin - Cabin located near trail between Horseshoe Meadows and Cottonwood Pass.
- Penstemon - Most likely either Meadow or Whorled Penstemon of the Figwort Family.
- Kern Frasera #1 - Frasera tubulosa of the Gentianaceae.
- Kern Frasera #2 - Also known as Swertia tubulosa.
- Kern Frasera #3 - Related to the considerably taller Monument Plant.
Casa Vieja Meadows (June 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Whorled Penstemon - Probably Penstemon heterodoxus of the Figwort Family.
- Primrose Monkeyflower - Mimulus primuloides of the Figwort Family.
- Dirty Socks #1 - Also known as Western Bistort or Polygonun bistortoides.
- Mountain Strawberry - Fragaria virginiana of the Rose Family.
- Meadow Penstemon - Probably Penstemon rydbergii of the Figwort Family.
- Cabin - Cabin near Casa Vieja Meadows, complete with outhouse!
- Mountain Chickweed - Stellaria longipes of the Pink Family.
- Big Dry Meadow #1 - A large meadow area a couple miles from Casa Vieja Meadows.
- Big Dry Meadow #2 - Same meadow, looking in the opposite direction.
- Unknown Plant - Appears to be a member of the Mustard Family.
- Dry Meadow #1 - Small meadow area near the two other meadows already mentioned.
- Dry Meadow #2 - Same meadow, looking uphill instead of downhill.
- Pussypaws - Calyptridium umbellatum of the Purslane Family.
- Evening Primrose - Oenothera xylocarpa of the Evening-Primrose Family.
- Dirty Socks #2 - A bunch of dirty socks flowers.
Echo Lake (June 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Echo Lake Chalet - Boat launch area and facilities at outlet end of Echo Lake.
- Dam and Outlet - Area below dam with water flowing out of lake.
- Trail Sign - Sign marking trails to Lake of the Woods and Lake Aloha.
- Echo Lake View - Looking down on Upper and Lower Echo Lakes from ridge near Ralston Peak.
- Ralston Peak #1 - Lots of snow on peak reaching altitude of 9240 feet.
- Phlox #1 - Probably Spreading Phlox.
- Phlox #2 - Otherwise known as Phlox diffusa.
- Phlox #3 - Member of the Phlox Family.
- Ralston Peak #2 - Another look at peak.
- Lake Aloha #1 - View of snowy peaks surrounding Lake Aloha.
- Stonecrop - Probably Sedum lanceolatum of the Stonecrop Family.
- Lake Aloha #2 - Closer look at islands in Lake Aloha.
- Two Lakes - View of both Lake of the Woods and Lake Aloha.
- Buckwheat - Probably Sulfur Flower (Eriogonum umbellatum) of the Buckwheat Family.
- Ralston Peak #3 - Ralston Peak with Tamarack Lake in the foreground.
- Pretty Face - Triteleia ixioides of the Lily Family.
- Lake Cabin #1 - There are many cabins along the shores of Echo Lake.
- Lake Cabin #2 - Most of the cabins are fairly small.
- Lake Cabin #3 - Other cabins are a bit larger.
- Water Taxi - A water taxi is available for those who wish to shorten the hike!
Secret Lake (June 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Monitor Pass - Encountered on drive to trailhead. (Actually Secret Lake is much closer to Sonora Pass.)
- Leavitt Meadow - Looking up the canyon from ridge across from trailhead.
- Secret Lake #1 - View along shoreline at Secret Lake.
- Secret Lake #2 - Another view from shore of Secret Lake.
- Crayfish - A rather crustaceous resident of Secret Lake.
- Walker River - Section of river above Roosevelt and Lane Lakes.
- Meadow Area - Area above Roosevelt and Lane Lakes.
- Lake View #1 - Either Roosevelt or Lane?
- Lake View #2 - Looking up the valley from shoreline.
- Lake View #3 - Another view looking up the valley.
- Lake View #4 - These lakes had several highly used campsites.
- Lake View #5 - Lots of trees and snow on peaks.
- Dwarf Chamaesaracha - Chamaesaracha nana of the Nightshade Family.
- Bridge #1 - River crossing at trailhead.
- Bridge #2 - Same bridge from the other side of the Walker River.
Dardanelles Lake (June 2012)
Quick view of trip pics
- Red Heather - Phyllodoce breweri of the Heath Family.
- Dardanelles #1 - Large granite dome on one side of the lake.
- Dardanelles #2 - Snow-covered ridge and lots of pines.
- Shieldleaf - Streptanthus tortuosus, member of the Mustard Family.
- Dardanelles #3 - Another look at the snow-covered ridge.
- Phlox - Most likely Spreading Phlox (Phlox diffusa) of the Phlox Family.
- Buckwheat - Probably Sulfur Flower (Eriogonum umbellatum) of the Buckwheat Family.
- Dardanelles #4 - Another angle providing a view of the snow-covered ridge.
- Lupine - Most likely Brewer's Lupine (Lupine breweri) of the Pea Family.
- Stream Crossing #1 - Rocks lined up to allow hikers to hop across the creek without getting wet!
- Stickseed - Probably Hackelia micrantha of the Borage Family.
- Stream Crossing #2 - Another fortuitously arranged bunch of rocks.
- Wallflower - Erysimum capitatum of the Mustard Family.
- Mule Ears #1 - Wyethia mollis of the Sunflower Family.
- Mule Ears #2 - A similar plant is known as Balsamroot, BTW.
Hungry Packer Lake (September 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Scenic Views - Video summary of hike up to Hungry Packer Lake.
- Lake Sabrina - Western end of the lake.
- Blue Lake - About three miles into the hike.
- Squirrel - Small rodent with pine cone.
- Pink Alumroot - Member of the genus Heuchera of the Saxifrage Family.
- Hungry Packer Lake - A little over six miles into hike and about 11,100 feet in elevation.
- Buckwheat - Pink puffs atop curvy flower stalks.
- Waterfall - Water tumbling down walls of granite.
- Alpine Columbine #1 - Aquilegia pubescens of the Buttercup Family.
- Alpine Columbine #2 - Colony of plants found on trail below Blue Lake.
- Alpine Columbine #3 - The Buttercup Family is also known as the Ranunculaceae.
Piute Pass (September 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Monkshood - Aconitum columbaianum of the Buttercup Family.
- Bigelow's Sneezeweed - Helenium bigelovii of the Sunflower Family.
- Snowy Peak - View of peak to the southwest along trail.
- Summit Lake - Small lake just beyond Piute Pass.
- Sierra Gentian - Gentianopsis holopetala of the Gentian Family.
- Erigeron - Member of the genus Erigeron, probably either Cutleaf Daisy of some kind of Fleabane.
- Hikers - A couple hikers disappearing over ridge beyond Summit Lake.
- Elephant's Head - Pedicularis attollens of the Snapdragon Family at Summit Lake.
- Piute View - Looking back down the canyon from the pass.
- Mountain Pride - Penstemon newberryi of the Snapdragon Family.
- Granite Stairs - One of a few portions of trail that look like stone stairs.
- Shooting Star - Lots of this from Loch Levon to the pass.
- Piute Lake - Looking down on lake from along the trail.
- Snow-Survey Shelter #1 - Small cabin near outlet of Piute Lake.
- Snow-Survey Shelter #2 - Looking up at Piute Pass from behind the cabin.
- Ledge Stonecrop - Rhodiola integrifolia (formerly Sedum rosea) of the Stonecrop Family.
- Alpine Columbine - Aquilegia pubescens of the Buttercup Family.
- Bridges Penstemon - Penstemon rostriflorus of the Snapdragon Family.
- Tiger Lily - Lilium kelleyanum of the Lily Family.
- Stream Crossing - Log, flattened on top, across steam.
Barney Lake (September 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Aspen Etchings - Initials and dates scratched into bark of aspen tree.
- Columbine - Close look at columbine flower.
- Sierra Lily #1 - Lilium kelleyanum of the Lily Family.
- Twinberry #1 - Lonicera involucrata of the Caprifoliaceae.
- Twinberry #2 - Also known as Twinberry Honeysuckle.
- Sierra Lily #2 - There were a couple of groups of these above Barney Lake.
- Lewis Monkeyflower - Pink and yellow flower and member of the Figwort Family.
- Daisy #1 - A member of the genus Erigeron of the Asteraceae.
- Daisy #2 - The Asteraceae is also known as the Sunflower Family.
- Waterfall - Water tumbling down over some boulders along trail.
- Meadow Area - Meadow area above and around the bend from Barney Lake.
- Brickellia - Brickellbush of the Sunflower Family.
- Sierra Bog Orchid - Tiny flowers growing on a stalk in a damp area by trail.
- Ranger's Buttons - Sphenosciadium capitellum of the Carrot Family.
- Barney Lake - Looking down on Barney Lake.
- Red Berries - Interesting shape of leaflets.
- Mountain Ash - A species of Sorbus of the Rose Family.
- Mountain Maple - The leaves of Acer glabrum.
- Scarlet Gilia - Ipomopsis aggregata of the Phlox Family.
- Utah Honeysuckle - Lonicera utahensis of the Honeysuckle Family.
- Black Hawthorn #1 - Crataegus douglasii of the Rose Family.
- Black Hawthorn #2 - Described as palatable, but hardly delicious.
- Black Hawthorn #3 - This plant is not listed as growing in the Sierras in any sources that I found.
- Grass-of-Parnassus - Parnassia californica of the Saxifrage Family.
- Buckwheat - Interesing species of buckwheat with bluish stems.
Cottonwood Lakes (August 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Alpine Sheep Sorrel - Genus Rumex of the Buckwheat Family.
- Penstemon #1 - Genus Penstemon of the Snapdragon Family.
- Penstemon #2 - The Snapdragon Family is also known as the Figwort Family.
- Larkspur #1 - Genus Delphinium of the Buttercup Family.
- Larkspur #2 - Group of dark bluish-purple flowers.
- Larkspur #3 - Nice look at the nectar spurs of this complex flower.
- Wild Onion - Genus Alium of the Lily Family.
- Creek Crossing - Single log bridge across creek.
- Mt Langley #1 - Looking north at 14,025 foot peak.
- Metal Shack - This structure is located near one of the lakes.
- Ducks - A couple ducks on a rock in the middle of a lake.
- Marshy Area - Water, grass, trees, and tons of granite.
- Shooting Star #1 - Close look at interesting flower.
- Shooting Star #2 - Another look at Dodecatheon rodolens.
- Old Army Pass - New Army Pass is a mile or so to the south.
- Davidson's Penstemon #1 - Penstemon davidsonii of the Snapdragon Family.
- Davidson's Penstemon #2 - Plant growing by sixth lake at 11,200 feet.
- Shooting Star #3 - This plant is growing at an altitude of 11,200 feet.
- Shooting Star #4 - Shooting star is a member of the Primrose Family.
- Lake Number Five - Sign located between the topmost two lakes.
- Lake Number Four - Looking down on the longest of the lakes.
- Buckwheat - Genus Eriogonum of the Buckwheat Family.
- Meadow Area - Peaceful high altitude grassy area.
- Cirque Peak - Picturesque peak to the south.
- Mt Langley #2 - Another view of massive peak to the north.
Jordan Hot Springs (July 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Shack #1 - No doors or windows on this fixer-upper!
- Shack #2 - Back of the shack even worse than the front!
- Cabins and Shacks - Assortment of structures at Jordan Hot Springs.
- Outhouse - Located just behind the group of cabins.
- Two-Seater - A great way to spend quality time with someone special!
- Small Cabin - Smaller cabin next to the main cabin.
- Yerba Mansa #1 - There were lots of these at Jordan Hot Springs.
- Yerba Mansa #2 - Close look at showy flower of member of Lizard's-Tail Family (Saururaceae).
- Yerba Mansa #3 - Interesting red spots on Anemopsis californica.
- Yerba Mansa #4 - Could red spots be caused by minerals in the water from the hot springs?
- Hot Spring Bench - Hot water flowing into small pool.
- Hot Spring Pools - Notice tube to transfer water to larger pool.
- Bridge and Pool - Bridge over creek and second hot spring above creek.
- Green Meadow - Large grassy area between cabins and hot springs.
- Another Bridge - Bridge over creek near the hot springs.
- Lone Cabin - This cabin is located by the main trail and across the meadow from the group of cabins.
- Beardtongue - Attractive member of the Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae).
- Ninemile Creek #1 - View of creek at crossing about a half mile above Jordan Hot Springs.
- Fireweed - Showly flowers of Epilobium angustifolium of the Evening Primrose Family.
- Thimbleberry #1 - Rubus parviflorus of the Rose Family (Rosaceae).
- Thimbleberry #2 - Eventually red berries form on these plants.
- Geranium - Geranium californicum of the Geranium Family (Geraniaceae).
- Mountain Collomia - Collomia grandiflora of the Phlox Family (Polemoniaceae).
- Scarlet Gilia - Ipomopsis aggregata of the Phlox Family (Polemoniaceae).
- Sierra Bog Orchid #1 - Platanthera dilatata of the Orchid Family (Orchidaceae).
- Sierra Bog Orchid #2 - A closer look at the flowers of this plant.
- Bluebells - This member of the Boraginaceae is also known as Mertensia or Lungwort.
- Columbine - Aquilegia formosa of the Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae).
- False Lily of the Valley - Maianthemum stellatum of the Lily Family (Liliaceae).
- Ninemile Creek #2 - The trail runs along the side of the creek a good part of the way down to the hot springs.
- Dirty Socks - Bistorta bistortoides (formerly Polygonum bistortoides) of the Buckwheat Family (Polygonaceae).
- Shooting Star - Interesting member of the Primrose Family (Primulaceae).
- Trail Sign Bird - Small bird resting on trail sign Casa Vieja Meadows.
- Yellow Evening Primrose - Member of the genus Oenothera of the Evening Primrose Family (Onagraceae).
- Casa Vieja Meadows #1 - Looking along barbed wire fence towards forestry cabin.
- Forestry Cabin #1 - Very nice cabin used by Forest Service and not available to public.
- Forestry Cabin #2 - Another view of this nicely maintained cabin.
- Storage Shack - Located below forestry cabin on edge of Casa Vieja Meadows.
- Old Cabin - This deteriorating cabin is located on the opposite side of Casa Vieja Meadows opposite the forestry cabin.
- Monkeyflower - A species of Mimulus of the Figwort Family ( Scrophulariaceae).
Freeman Grove Trail (June 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Snow Plant #1 - Close look at a single flower on this unusual plant.
- Calochortus - Member of the Lily Family.
- Collomia #1 - Tiny flowers on a tiny plant.
- Collomia #2 - Tiny member of the Polemoniaceae.
- Collomia #3 - The Polemoniaceae is the fancy name for the Phlox Family.
- Monkeyflower - Member of the Mimulus genus.
- Arnica #1 - Showy flowerhead of member of Sunflower Family.
- Arnica #2 - Notice the heart-shaped leaves.
- Redwoods - Trail through mixed forest including redwoods.
- Ceanothus - Bush belonging to the Rhamnaceae or Buckthorn Family.
- Snow Plant #2 - A pair of snow plants by the trail.
- Sierra Currant - Ribes nevadense of the Grossulariaceae.
- White Ribes #1 - Flowers of member of the Gooseberry Family.
- White Ribes #2 - The fancy name for this family is Grossulariaceae.
- Yellow Violet - Seems like a contradictory name to me!
- Lousewort - Pedicularis semibarbata of the Scrophulariaceae.
- Bridge #1 - A bridge crossing small stream.
- Ballhead Phacelia #1 - Cluster of flowers forming a ball.
- Ballhead Phacelia #2 - This plant is a member of the Waterleaf Family.
- Ballhead Phacelia #3 - The fancy name for this family is Hydrophyllaceae.
- Bridge #2 - Another bridge near the top end of the trail.
- Corn Lilies - Veratrum californicum of the Liliaceae.
- Steerhead - Small plant growing at 7000 feet.
- Ballhead Phacelia #4 - Another look at this unusual inflorescence.
- Brewer's Miterwort #1 - Also known as Mitella breweri.
- Brewer's Miterwort #2 - Member of the Saxifragaceae.
- Red Ribes #1 - Another member of the Ribes genus.
- Red Ribes #2 - Also a member of the Gooseberry Family.
- Red Ribes #3 - Members of the Ribes genus are commonly called gooseberries and currants.
- George Bush Tree - Plaque at lower end of trail (5600').
Mineral King (June 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Rubber Boa - Snake a little ways up trail to White Chief Canyon.
- Steershead #1 - Interesting little flower in the Poppy Family.
- Steershead #2 - View from the back of Dicentra uniflora.
- Snowy Peaks - Looking up the valley at snow-covered peaks.
- Deer - This deer didn't seemed bothered by the presence of humans.
- Blue-Eyed Mary - Small member of the Snapdragon Family.
- Steershead #3 - Another look at unusual flower formerly in Fumariaceae.
- Bluebells - Mertensia or Lungwort of the Boraginaceae.
- Bridge - Lots of runoff from melting snow!
- Linanthus - Probably a member of the Linanthus genus, but a member of the Phlox Family for sure!
- More Snowy Peaks - Lots of snow resulting in overflowing streams.
- Stickseed #1 - A species of Hackelia of the Boraginaceae.
- Stickseed #2 - Probably H. nervosa, but H. velutina is a good candidate also.
- Outhouse - A couple buildings near trailhead.
- Marmot - Lots of marmots at Mineral King!
- Another Snowy Peak - Snow made hiking difficult after only a couple miles from trailhead.
- Snow Plant - Sarcodes sanguinea of the Ericaceae (Heath Family).
- Southern Bush Monkeyflower - Lots of Mimulus longiflorus along side of road up to Mineral King.
- California Flannelbush - Also plenty of Fremontodendron californicum growing next to road.
- Kawaeh River Bridge - Old bridge along narrow road leading to Mineral King.
- Under Bridge - Looking down on stream below bridge.
- Clarkia - Unusual member of the Onagraceae.
- Spicebush - Calycanthus occidentalis growing near Kawaeh River Bridge.
- Chinese Houses #1 - Collinsia heterophylla of the Snapdragon Family.
- Chinese Houses #2 - Incidentally, Blue-Eyed Mary is also a member of the Collinsia genus.
Jenkinson Lake (April 2011)
Quick view of trip pics
- Whitlow Grass - Tiny flower also called Draba verna.
- Mountain Misery - Looks like a fern, but it's not!
- Bridge #1 - One of several bridges along the trail around the lake.
- Small Plant #1 - Interesting foliage. (Probably Dicentra)
- Rattlesnake Plantain - Interesting leaf patterns of Goodyera oblongifolia.
- Madrone - This is the only specimen of Arbutus menziesii encountered.
- Horse and Hikers - Different trails for different uses.
- Small Plant #2 - Interesting colors.
- Bridge #2 - Patch of snow in shade near bridge.
- Small Plant #3 - Lots of interesting plants along the trail around the lake.
- Outhouse #26 - Rustic outhouse by the lake. So you can crap in peace!
- Geese #1 - Geese loitering around on grass by shore of lake.
- Geese #2 - Geese in water looking back from opposite shore in cove area.
- Small Plant #4 - Another interesting plant.
- Manzanita - Bell-shaped flowers on manzanita bush.
Saddlebag Lake (September 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Nature Trail - Video shot along the trail on this hike!
- Rustic Cabin - Cabin at the west end of lake.
- Boat #1 - Boat heading towards east end of lake.
- Boat #2 - Boat near shore of west end of lake.
- Saddlebag View - Looking east from west end of lake.
- Pond - No name in guide books for this small lake.
- Odell Lake - Small island in middle of lake.
- Shamrock #1 - Looking down on Shamrock Lake from the north.
- Shamrock #2 - Another view of Shamrock Lake.
- Cascade Lake - Small lakes on shelf above Steelhead Lake.
- Steelhead Lake - Lake just below Hess Mine.
Morgan Pass (September 2010)
Quick view of trip pics
- Random Plants - Video shot along the trail on this hike.
- Chickenfoot Lake - Looking down the canyon from three miles up trail.
- Mono Pass - Looking towards Mono Pass from Chickenfoot Lake.
- Morgan Pass #1 - Looking up towards Morgan Pass from meadow near Chickenfoot Lake.
- Morgan Pass #2 - Looking up at Morgan Pass from about a half mile below it.
- Nice Wide Trail - View along the trail.
- Vehicular Remains - Apparently at one time there was a road all the way to the pass.
- Other Side - Looking down canyon south of Morgan Pass.
- Lake Thru Trees - Looking down trail towards lake.
- Morgan Pass #3 - Looking up the canyon from Chickenfoot Lake.
- Tall Peaks - Prominent peaks above canyon.
Horseshoe Meadows (August 2009)
Quick view of trip pics
- Trail Pass - Sign at top of Trail Pass.
- Tree Trunk - Pine tree trunk with curves!
- View North - View towards Cottonwood Lakes area.
- Cottonwood Pass - Meadow west of Cottonwood Pass.
- Pine Bough - Close up of forming cones.
Sierra Nevadas (BEFORE 2008)
Quick view of trip pics
- Flower: Browneye - Neat flowers growing by trail.
- Lon Chaney's Cabin #1 - Historic cabin by Palisade Glacier Trail.
- Lon Chaney's Cabin #2 - Stone chimney and steps to porch.
- Second Lake - Clouds and peak above Palisade Glacier Trail.
- Falls - View along Palisade Glacier Trail.
- Flower: Fireweed - Flower at Onion Valley.
- Independence - View from road to Onion Valley.
- Birds on Stump - Birds near Mattlock Lake.
- Shrubs by Lake - Shurbs by Mattlock Lake.
- Shooting Star - Flowers growing near Mattlock Lake.
- Interesting Flower - Close look at greenish-colored flower.
- Flower: Lupine - Flower growing next to trail.
- Marmot - Rodent next to large boulder.
- Mattlock Lake - Peaks towering above lake.
- Flower: Onion - Vegetation near Mattlock Lake.
- Vegetation By Trail - Flowers, shrubs, and trees along trail.
- Lake Near Bishop Pass - Looking toward Bishop Pass.
- Bishop Pass - Info sign at top of pass.